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Beginner questions

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by limith, Jul 8, 2014.

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  1. limith

    limith User

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    hey, i'm a complete newbie to this game, have been playing for a week. i'm already 87 wynn elemental summoner thanks to the leveling guides, but i'm still wondering where to get adena from. so can any advance players give me advices about where to farm adena? thanks in advance.
    should i create spoil or craft to get money?
  2. Undressed

    Undressed User

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    i don't think you can farm adena by killing mobs, try make zaken/freya/tezza and get some drops from there.
  3. quir0

    quir0 User

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    one of the best ways to get easy 70kk adena is making this quest: http://l2wiki.com/legendary_tales

    you have to kill a few dragon valley raid bosses and you will get a vesper weapon (at your chooise) as reward, and you can sell it for 70-72kk adena in oren weap shop, or try to sell it in the auction npc.

    get a good made party and go kill the rbs, you will need this item to summon the raid bosses in the vortexs of dragon valley: http://l2wiki.com/large_dragon_bone

    you can buy it from a player or you can get 1 bone with this one-time quest: http://l2wiki.com/tired_of_waiting

    hope this helps you! good luck!!
  4. BeerWarrior

    BeerWarrior User

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    not easy for a newbie.
    7 different raid bosses, 3 of those have low spawn chance, for 2 of those it is around/below 5%.
    most people end up having to kill 20 of them or more, the bones can be farmed at dragon valley as well but it's a tough and boring job so you're gonna need to buy some but that defeats the purpose.

    the thing is, the decent ways for anybody to make adena died several chronicles ago along with good old lineage ii.
    Cadasil and Known like this.
  5. quir0

    quir0 User

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    again... the quest is one of the best ways to make adena, and now i remember the "don't know, don't care" quest is another good one to get s80 items for sell. http://l2wiki.com/don't_know,_don't_care

    there is 2 more quest to get 4.5kk gold each:
    1) go heine, do this quest: http://l2wiki.com/winds_of_change and you will get 499,880 adena, then you can choose only one of two quest and the reward of each one is 4,498,920 adena
    a) http://l2wiki.com/success/failure_of_business
    b) http://l2wiki.com/won't_you_join_us?

    2) this quest at primeval island: http://l2wiki.com/elrokian_hunter's_proof you will get 4,257,180 adena.

    there is always a complaint about the adena problem, but nobody cares about quest, some of those quests gives good items for sell, try them, most of them are easy to finish with a 85+ awakened character. if you had success you will end up with easy 100kk adena with a few quest...

    if you don't do it, you won't get nothing anyways... when i did the legendary tales quest with some friends, we get the 7rbs without duplicated, lucky us btw :cool:
    Kralicek likes this.
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