octa neckl warrior. istina earring (normal)/ coc mental or soul orfen octa ring warrior / soul aq/baium
istina/coc better then blessed zaken ? actually i think w/e class u are best setup is blessed antharas/valakas/lindvior/tauti/trasken ? :d maybe tezza instead of valakas on some classes ... be optimistic any1 can have em .... buy many tarot
octa warrior - 10% skill reuse (affect br also) freya - it's for healers and wizards cheap item. not affect br reuse frint normal - ~5% skill reuse (affect br) but low mdef soul frint - 10% skill reuse + more bonuses and more mdef but expensive. did you read what he write in 1st post? so edit post and write bless valakas bless antharas and lindvior soul baium and eartjh wyrm ring. i know only 1 person on server who can collect all of those jewels, and just for oly.
so probably normal tezza normal zaken and normal orfen is in my range, so i go 4 it, and mby normal aq or baium...no way to get any bless jewels so far. thx 4 ur opinions.
dont even go for octa warior, as far as i know its giving 10% of physical skills not magical/ or both. zaken normal is bad option for me bce of m def. better try octa earing. baium/aq not neccesary . you can get r99 rings. orfen bless is cheap now so try this, normal orfen is totaly useless.
would be nice to know you want jewels for oly or daily pvp or maybe just pve atm. and what's your dual class.
mostly pve, sometimes pvp, i dont think about oly now. my dual class will be feoh from dark elf. iss is from bd.
prices for neckl. okta 1b istina 2b+ soul teza 3b+ or so. normal 200. but low mdef. even seraph have 50 more mdef what means ~200+ mdef on stats more. p.s. normal teza ~5% reuse.
can you provide me a valid link that normal tezza has 5% skill reuse and not 10%?cause all these years i thought that gives 10%.
http://base.l2j.ru/index.php?p=19&skid=3604 ofc it's not 100% info but 90% of those l2j just copy/paste everything from not l2j files. also you can ask experiment and for example freya http://base.l2j.ru/index.php?p=19&skid=8459 5% magic skills valakas http://base.l2j.ru/index.php?p=19&skid=3557 10% all skills you can trust that info or not. it's your choice. or ask make some tests in experiments thread )
ok ok sorry. i forgot that oly is most important thing for some exzperts. and 5-20sec for somedebuffs reuse is very important