hello all.my name is daniel and i am thinking if i should decide to play here or not. i have few questions and if you would like to answer would be perfect. what different features are on innova than those on ncsoft? there are active ppl?i mean if servers are full of ppl to play with,maybe like in the good old days5-20k ppl in one server active without alts or bots)? how much takes to lv up from 1-95 if i play 2-5 hrs/day? there are bots like on ncsoft?or bots are banned easy and server is free of them? and most important?there is any clan that helps in gearing after lv 85?i know to play dagger very good,archer good,tyrr good/very good,knight good and feoh good.probably gonna play feoh othell or tyrr or knight.
premium acc, 2x xp, dual box and an agathion for some daily items. yes, the server doesnt have huge population, but depending on the time u do, u wont have problems on daily stuff. 2-5 hours a day, if you play with premium and find good pve parties, around 20 days. there are bots, but way less than nc, and usually banned. hardly clans gear up ppl, most do instances togheter and ppl get theyer drops. about class, feoh dagger and wynn are the best choices for pve(feoh for aoe, wynn and othell for raids).
also apart from bots the truth is that innova started to become ncsoft.has done terrible choises on l2 store with paytowin options and also for fight bots they bann randomly players.the biggest clan was blackswans on server now blackangels but most of them decided to quit and they did because of bad choises of gm s.imo dont start here.i was ncsoft came here at the beggining was good now they just ****** all.(
don't play as tyrr, this class is useless. good parties never take tyrr, same with cp's, good cp never takes tyrr to cp.