i took a few months break from the game and when i came back i did something stupid. im not sure what to say other then im sorry, my character is phoenixfire and i lost control of myself and tried to scam some people. i severely regret what i did , im not trying to make any excuses but i come from a different game where scamming is 100% allowed and condoned. after playing that game for nearly a decade it made me lose track of the line between whats right and wrong in video games and i needed to be reminded that there are living breathing people behind the computer that i am hurting when i do what i do. even if its not real money its something someone worked hard for. i am someone who accepts and fesses up when i am in the wrong. i know i will probably never be fully trusted again in the game and may have major troubles with others that won't want me here. i am not going to change my name, i am not going to re-roll, i am going to try and live with what i did in the game, and hopefully in some time i will be forgiven by at least some of the people. in the mean time i will try and find a new clan, since i cannot find the old ones i used to be in. i will of course tell them what i did before i join if they let me, so no surprises later on because of my history.
maturity level : scammer i must admit u made me lol ,this is a hella funny post . but dont be sad ... can be even worst , i mean smth like this
some ppl must quit that game and see the sun light once per day . . its just a game get a life people . .