hi, those items aren't required anymore for clan skills, but i heard they still have some uses. can someone explain me what can i do with those ? thanks
as svoloc says, u can get equipment with some crystals of life, u exchange them in the adventurer guide npc. check this: http://l2wiki.com/life_crystals
it's not about if worth or not... if u play killing some rbs while u lvl up, u will get life crystals, exchanging them are just another reward... it's not necesary that u farm 1.000 life crystal to get a b weap
btw no1 told that u can get transformation sealbooks to learn transformation skills, like golem, unicorn, dragon and other. before was useful on wynn, now more for fun can transform yourself. cost for all them is same, just need in each town sealbooks are different. cost: 4 memento mori 4 dragon heart 4 earth egg 4 nonliving nucleus 4 angelic essence 600,000 adena
now those sealbooks except anakim is worth atention? in previous chronicles that was good thing for archer who xp with melee party. less work for healer. now.. only for roleplay..
the roleplaying aspect should be enough to suffice some "screenshot of the week" rewards from well-organized parades