at gainak at each location are known clan forms webcam uses a single account which i understand is prohibited. is this clan is somehow specially treated by the administration?
your policy has led to the fact that some people have a great advantage over the rest. earning a couple billion adena a day not to reach the level of achievements for others. perhaps even trade aden at auction. i ask where is the 4fun?
has this game applies a culture of language? can you challenge other players from thieves, prostitutes, and the mongols as do members of the clan blackangels? if the administration can not handle it then you may need to notify law enforcement authorities?
i don't understand what you're saying here , i'm not from ba , but from what i understand , share pass , multibox and do whatever you want to get more money than the others aren't prohibited.
please do not make false statements, that post does not in any way say that account sharing is not prohibited, it only says that we will not accept petition wars as some people were abusing the system. that does not mean that account sharing is not prohibited.
after petition war attempts from both sides. now is public forum denunciation attempt for what, a cam account full of lv. 1 chars? that's ridiculous
sure then ba have to let the others to farm stuffs? strange ideas. don't farm dragons please let the others gear up too. lol! strange logic you have. when bs farmed merchants and everything that was normal... n/c.
oh no, i cant hunt any merchant on cr. i go on forum and make a cry topic that will help for sure! be prepeard for more of topics like that. cause on pl forum that was daily ****. they cant reach something they og and cry on forum.