im curious about the fishing because i spend some time on it and i just see its a way too loose my adena. i looked on a apperancestone and its 1000 fish pearls anyone know how long time it will take to get all that and how much adena you gonna spend on it? silver and goldchest i havent even seen in 1 week off fishing .. well if anyone have a good answer if this is useless or i can make something good without loose adena i will be very grateful.
silver and gold chests you only take while you fish with special baits. special baits you can only take from opening wooden chests. in 1week of fishing i took like 300+ wooden chests. 290 of them gave special bait boxes and only 10 sp scroll boxes.
whales giving 20kk each, normal fishes giving 2.5-6kk at lvl 91 if i don't remember bad while i left it in the night i got 2-3% (made training in the daytime+ this exp from fishing and you get way a lot from doing nothing)
so i can use fishing to lvlup my character to lvl 85? what i have to invest for that? i only have to get a fishingrod one time or do i also have to pay for the fishing skills? i search for a new way to lvlup my chars + subs to 85 for zakenruns but after they deleted the dailyquests i have to clue how to lvlup my chars. i dont like to wait for raids and often i can only singleplay (casual) one or two hours a day. pa is not a problem i have the money for that.
why u dont go on mobs? mobs gives a lot of exp, and if u go in the same time when u have dragon buff its pretty fast, on 72 i went to dragon valley and each mob gives like 2m+ xp, not even hour had passed when i was 80 already
as just for the purpose of leveling a char to 85, fishing is not realy worth the effort. besides that it will become quite expensive when you don't have meaning for creating the stews or appereance mods, it is quite slow xp as well. to give you an example. i have char on fishing 24/7 on a different account, started 9 days ago at lvl 41, now 9 days later fishing, the char is level 74 and i used around 40kk on baits and shots.
i can offline fishing or afk fishing? is that now possible. maybe i want invest that adena if i can do it afk/semiafk cause together with offlinetraining it will give me a huge xp boost every day.
you don't really need to pay attention on fishing. you just need to go to a fishing spot, a blue icon will appear on your screen. click on it and your character will automatically fish then you can go afk. most of fishing spots are outside safe zone. if you don't want to be pk, go to heine city.
afk yes, offline not fishing is not giving big amount of exp when you are high lvl, but it's pretty good for lowbies.
i haven't sold anything yet. i got around 350 wooden boxes sofar. those wooden boxes gave me 340 specialbait boxes and 10 sp scroll boxes. in my inventory there is fresh fish of all kinds, from 200+ on the low end till like 1k+ on the high end and all kinda numbers inbetween. in total something like 4k fish or so...i have to check later on when i get home. don't have a clue how much it all would be worth in adena's though. we'll see after 1 month fishing and making the balance to see if fishing is profitable.
as long as i dont have to invest adena for skills its quite ok. afk fishing is also good when i have to invest my time for other things like household. and yes i whould only use fishing for lvlup my lowlvlchars. so when iam online i can use fishing and offline i will use the offlinetraining ;d
well im interested about how much adena can you make with fishing and how much you have to spend on shots, rod.