i never had those blue thingies around me, when i practice tai chi i do probably something wrong! probably i never found my inner peace.
first pig movie... now soe movie... waiting for walk/run or swiming.... waste of time. lost my 20 sec of my life.... want to do movies like that.... better dont do any movie.
hmmm at least that was some kind of idea for movie, not only about pvp... i like music ;] and idea was nice for me.
azeron hows your feed hero :d soo dont watch it, if you dont like it soo simple but i know you, youre gonna watch all my movies and just for you im gonna make walkin movie!!! :*
there was one movie i watched fully. first pig movie. that was really nice idea. but once, twice... ok you did np, third just boring, later you did "thanks for lilith" and now this. ok you have an idea to make movie, but its just boring. and thanks my hero is okm there is maybe 3,4 ppl who no need feed on oly, but even about that im not sure