are there any people going fresh? how about the activity pre lvl 99 (85-95)? are there any chances of finding a random party? would gladly appreciate some responses, played here a long time ago (about 5 months from the first few days of the server) and i just feel like giving it another shot.
there was activity before i went on holydays and that i learnt that a new p2w event came out. wait and see but maybe wine will be right soon
if you didn't play for some time, then don't start now. it has become like 2nd ncwest. p2w all the way.
not like nc west since there is less characters without players behind. but about p2w that's true , i'd say
there are private servers with more online people ( if not, then equal). and it won't cost you thousands of euro to be competitive. i wouldn';t recommend any new starter to play here as you will die from me blinking next to you.
you should still come and try it out, there is some p2w events but it isnt that bad as ncwest. you can still have fun in here with it. and you can easily find dalie/exp parties at that lvl.
let's face the truth. there is 0 chance to be competitive against ppl who farmed their *** off before new updates (nerf drop ones) and/or payed/paying thousands of euros. you can be the best skilled gamer ever if you won't make a single damage on them. and sad but true in this chronicle farm absolutely dead.
server has decent population,best choice to move,dont listen to some haters like winegod,he is donating ingame and still playing and he comes to forum to flame server (masochist+braindamaged).
exp seems rather easy lately, i'd expect 99 in less than two months (just pa, no other exp boosting items through the store, decent 4h+ a day). what does the p2w consist of, since people seem so irritated about? i thought you can just donate for accesories/exp runes/vit pots/nevits so on. thanks for the answers though can somebody replay me on this?
items with korean random probability coming mostly to l2store endgame items what are unreachable for the normal player, only the luck/pocket masters aka donors aka ebayers got from the massive l2store adventures pixels > rl
m3phy: check the last l2 store update. that "v for vitality one" or "one brooch rules them all" ... i think that explains p2w rather nicely :/
yes you can be competitive in really short time and i'm not trolling on this. r95+6 set few eternal jewels and you will be fine. you need some hands also.
you can ask ireflect about hands. i heard that he knows some surgeon that transplants hands from korean starcraft players - cheap !
who is ireflect? @m3phy you can try this server to see for yourself,personally i find it really fun to play here.
have you started ''fresh'', not so long ago? i bet it's fun playing as long as you're 99... it was fun when i was top 50 exp also
my toon was made in late august, atm i'm 99/99/80/80 with 16 ability points on main. with premium you will get the level ability points you need to work on. about gear though i had some zaken toons from my first attemt to start on this server alone which helped me get my istina neck and ring. note to be able to play decently without ragequitting every 2nd day you need to have or be able to join a cp as soon as possible. edit: about l2 store, i am still without even the 2 slot brooch and with eternal ring and coc earrings so please. edit2: no shiny shirt also
this and i can honestly say its best server out there,despite p2w. dont even consider reading biteme,or winegod,2 big real money donors. hard work,no emo mode and ure more than ok, welcome and enjoy. regards.