hello, i have tried to find any information about spoiling, but i cant find any info around the web, only people that say "don't spoil"... the only thing i know is that in garden of genesis you can spoil materials, that's ok, but there is any zone where i can spoil for tw/apo keys (armor and weapons framgments). its possible to spoil to create armors and weapons right now or you can only get it by rb drops and auciton? :s.
spoiling dunno, but if you want tw/apo mats and recipes, there is another way to get them, takes time tho, there is quests giving certificates of promise and certificates of life in magmeld / gog, you can exchange x certificates for mats and recipes tw and apo
spoiler 99 here, and im happy to tell you theres almost no point in spoiling now... lets say gf for example : if you ks spoil from 3 groups at once, you gonna get 12-20 gems per 30 min... sure its 25kk max, but you need 400k - 1 bil for something low-mid r99 (1 part) but now the only way is set +8 so its 2,5-3 bil per part, next abudance talisman 2-3 bil, next are epic rings atleast, 2bil for 1 and 2nd from oli, next weapon as spoiler (to maximize +15% patk passive) its like 2-3 bil to get +5-7 with 1 sa, next jevels... altleast lvl 3 and lvl 4 for dps its pretty simple and gonna cost you 1 bil if youre lucky or 5 bil if youre not. so lets use math let say you will sit there 20h a day, and you will have 3 pt to spoil their mobs. 50kk per 1 h x 20h = 1 bil a day. you need 8 bil minimum without armor and theres no max adena limit. to get mid range items you need like 25 bil. so in 1st scenario with maximum luck and 20h x 3 party to spoil you will need 8 days, and for mid range scenario its 25 days. most of the exp parties stay for 1h and theres rarely more than 1 of those. so 8 x 3 x 19 = 456 days of spoiling on gf to get minimum gear, for 2nd scenario you need only 1425 days (with 1 party that exp 1h) and sure you can solo it, and you will get close to 5-8 gems per 30 min. spoil its fun to play with -50% dmg from buff, -30% from cw, -30% from power bluff nerf, with this kind of racial skill (dark elf gets +15% crit dmg and counter skill) you may ask about other spots? for example pagan with blessed armor r scrolls? it says 1/3333, with rune 100% chance for spoil it goes 1/1500 ye? explain me then how unlucky am i if past 15000 mobs i get only 1? :d and guess what??? new chronicle is comming, othels get buff at 101 lvl, and what fs gets? ;o i also dont know cuz koreans decided to give nothing to maestro and fortune seeker... fs actualy should be called fail seeker