so basically i was doing k85 with enough vitality to kill zellaka with the last remainings, and surprise! what do i get? a server crash, so now the few vitality i had to kill zellaka and gain that extra experience to level up is gone, and my chance to do k85 today too, so perfect, i was gonig to level up today and now i'll have to do double k85... could you please (after starting again the server, of course) give a little vitality recovery to me and all the players that were doing their instances and reset to zero the timers so we can do it again? it's really frustrating, and we were even finnishing it...
well, if you have spent your vitality it means you have gained xp. we can give you a ticket to kartia if you contact support service
hi, thanks for the reply, it's not about the fact of the vitality, i know that it doesn't affect bosses like zellaka, but it was enough to use a freya scroll from the event and gain double xp from it, if it was normal farming it would be okay, but i got disconnected just before killing zellaka, so now my chance of using it and gaining double xp is gone because vitality is under the first bar edit: okay, i logged in and it seems like kartia didn't go on cooldown, so i can do it again, and my vitality it's not under first bar, it's under second so i guess i'll still be able to use a scroll if i'm lucky enough. thank you anyway for your fast reply btw the premium training npcs are missing, or at least the one of aden.
npc server needs more time to recover, so all npcs will appear within several minutes. it shall reappear with the same hp amount.