1x1, who is the "best"? if wynn is better, what class? im thinking about rerol my feoh to wynn, but i dont know if i'll do it or not.. i just wanna know ur opinian guys.. thanks
i'd say soultaker. this class have more powerful summon skills than the wynn itself. it can resummon its pet whenever he wants, when the wynn has to wait few seconds (and thus, for those precious seconds, be without transfer pain). the feoh can leech his own pet for life, etc etc. (more over, gloom+devil = gg, wp)
feoh soultaker obviously. it has beter nerf debuff, better cc, better dmg output, better aoe, more mobility, debuff immunity every few seconds, better range, better m def and better transfer pain mechanics.
uhmmm... i need learn more about feoh soultaker.. i lost pvp against wynn 94.. and i'm 91. my cp member ofc.. his summom hit me hard and my transfer pain going down really fast.. i need to know a way to avoit it and won him.
wynn summoners are by default strong at lower levels, but they scale terribly at high lvls due to itemization. while nukers are completetly dependant on items and power-ups to win. also wynn was on the past chronicles, for the most part, an anti-mage. it is only normal you cannot win vs wynn at the moment.