hi for the second time im opening an event topic but. this time it's an complain not a question... https://4gameforum.com/showthread.php?t=31921 here u said it will be farming event...wtf ?
oooo yeah that 2 minutes of pleasure nice... played hindemith ncwest since c1 till goddess and now im here and never seen a more ridiculous and usless + stupid event. insaneee
cant be good for all one wants farming event, other event w/o using money, 3rd doesn't want any event... good one :d :d :d
i hope they put the real farming event in february, because this event is a joke. we support the server with euro .so we want the latest updates include farming events.
well tell this to the gms ,whos response im still waiting.first they said something than they didnt do it.!!!! onyx answer plz.
from the moment innova made the server p2w with l2 store events they have forget that the casual l2 is to farm also <<normal>> events. and we need them to make some adena and for fun also.
didnt we had like few months ago cards event? ... i agree there should be more farm event ,but this in way one good too ,at least those "love potions" pretty nice if u exp solo p.s but seriously when do u we get "real farm event" ? :d