hello to all. i didnt knew where to post this so i do it here. i play few weeks in the server and noticed lots of scripter users at olympiad and ceremony????? so why you gm's allowed this? because they donate a lot? we all donate. i suggest you to do something about this thing or this server will follow the same fate as the official and be dead pretty soon. because i dont really see a reason players playing by hands to donate so they can fight some bots on program. it doesnt sound right ? i suggest to check olympiad and ceremony about this and do something about it.
if they are able to kill you it doesn't mean they are using any kind of program. to be honest, i saw so far 0 program users in both oly and coc
its not about if they will kill me or i kill them.. its the way they target me while i shadow step from hide and start to do skill ot me while i am still in the air.. do you think its possible to be made by hand? or the way they turn and face me each time i back stab them.. should i talk more of course you right you dont see it because very low amount of people use it i talk about bs and ba members mostly. trust me you will see that soon if you know what i talk about
/target <name> works pretty good. no need any program for that. the only problem i've seen so far ppl see you in shadow hide, ertheia hides which is wierd.
well seeing people in hide happens to me or my party members sometimes. what i see is a guy with hide on his buff bar, and i can't hit him because "cannot see target", or someone is spamming "why don't u hit xxx when he's here", and noone sees him - and cannot be tokened, and blah blah. always forgetting to take a screen tho... this seems rather like a random issue from client side i guess than "programs". targetting fast is easy as syz pointed, macro with /target xxx works perfectly.
the problem with hide happens also with disparition. you still have your target, but you can't skill it, and usually you're detargeted... at the end of the disparition buff. it kinda works with every "detarget" skill, i even had an iss in polymorph in target in oly... (still couldn't skill btw) in oly, the /target <nameofopponent> is an absolute must and against sayha/dagger/yul can be the difference between victory and defeat. sadly, your program users are just victims of poorly coded skills.
http://i.imgur.com/2m10ctt.png yup it's a bug, i was the only one who could see him (i could use token but no skills though).
seeing someone in hide (with still the buff icon) while couldn't do anything (because for the game he is hidden) doesn't mean you flared/aoed him.
i wiil discribe u what i have see, i use macro with target i want, ok? i know he is dagger and he will come with shadow (antharas liar) so i spam macro, i catch target and use force attack on him, my char dont go there and when i guide him on target no skils works for more than 30 secs, 2nd we was 2 me and iss (boz core) we attack to war and no me or iss cant use skills even rapso, we had him target both off us and we was speaking thru skype we had same problem same time same target. i heard that char have been baned im not sure if its true or fake they say to me that he catch using programm no attack on him. that on anthy was 2 days ago i didnt take video that time to sent support. anyway i think the programms exist but we cant take video all time we play ty.
i agree but still , if i'm ertheia and that someone found me , i can't know how he did, i'm not behind his monitor to say if he used his brain or had the luck to get the bug this time.
till today this bug (the one who said "game mechanic", get out now !) only occured to me against dagger and isses. for sayha, i use the skill animation to try to guess its position.