hello everybody, i'm new here, i'm from romania, i played on west, but im sick of bots and scripts. i want to try something new, so im starting here. i lvl up a ertheia wizard (lvl 86 now), dual sumoner, and im looking for cp, friends. i play this game only for fun and for socializing. hope to make new friends here, cause now im feeling a little alone. thx
join a clan and you will find them fast. if not send me your pic and we can talk about friendship then. ^^ but ether way, welcome!
i thinking to try play here cuz naia sux with bots... but what about online? its not like u play alone till 86+ lvl? i mean its enough ppl to hunt low lvl raids or pvp or something like that, not like in ncwest where play with bots none real players
well, you can hunt low lvl raids if you are fast enough, as they are being killed fast upon discovery of their presence; there are usually people, unless you are trying to find a full pt to a 40lvl raid at a weird time of day, there's also no problem with finding real players to annoy the hell out of you. finding someone to offer you mentoring and academy to leech coins and crp out of you shouldn't be a problem either.