ok will check latter, looks like innova was so busy during maintenance that they could not manage to make proper announcement.
well, it was same story with aliens. at least, the info in maintenance notifications wasn't just "dusting the server" tho. :d
the only info about maintenance is ,l2 store update ,which includes some lucky giants stones on sale .. that's all if that is an event ......
no seriously is this your brilliant idea for event innova??? discount ????? guys this is not even event,giving gm buffs is better than your "idea" for discount seriously,you must hire someone with real ideas for events o m g
maybe event will be in next week ^^, but it wouldnt be smart because after people wasting money in this week sales for sure they wont waste in eggs. or maybe, this l2 store sales is the event.
easter event wtf you want from this guys in innova building? to work?!!?!? you guys are crazy? you have brooch sale, be happy of that you have, cause they couldt do even that....
if this is the event i will go to the corner and cry ,rivers of tears ... just check ncwest events, even the pay2win events of theirs have more sense than these ... extremely disappointed we hoped to not do it for crying out loud ...if you look it on the other side .. 1st it's not official event 2nd it's pay2win .. i mean not farming,not massive event, it's like event for those who are ready to put like 250 euros in l2store and instead of buying 7-8 brooches buy 13... almost like double or something like that nice work indeed
i have the felling that innova knew that they shot themselfs with that blessed jewell/weapon/armor event. haha.