im dark elf mage. i want to sub a healer. what would be the best class? cardinal? eva's saint? shillien saint?
if you have a cp to help , ss wouldn't be the best choice , depends on what your cp have and on what your cp needs.
why you would pick ss if you have no feoh in cp ? eva's saint are much more efficient in terms of healing pts. and cardinal buff could be a huge boost if you have to play a duo with an eva's saint.
when did he say he do not have feoh in cp? and even if not, he can use in himself. es have less 10% cooldown, he just have to change role.
he did not say anything about what he aimed to do. that's why i uses the term "if". pretty much hard to give an answer when there is half information. "he just have to change role" , but it costs money , we don't know if he want to invest money in changing class. what ever , seems he picked ss.
still the best choice, specially if he solo. best m attack and powind. i'd never make other healer as base.
i picked shilen saint as sub and he is 56 now. i want the matk of ss. what do you think guys with ss aeore and i will invest on wit dyes? i want oly farming do you think cps need ss aeore? are they welcome in soa, kartia, teredor, istina, fortuna, etc.??? i mean do you really need to be cardinal/eva's saint to be a good party healer?
it's better to be eva's saint but some people are looking for pow. if you wanna farm oly you can't do it with dual class ^^. but ss would be the best for oly farm. for pve there is no difference.
for what u need that dual? if for pve, so maybe better get eva saint and wont need invest in wit. all healers are welcome in all instances and farm party, no metter which u take for farm. you cant farm oly on your dual, for this u have your main.
yes, for pve is good too, cuz there always are mages(including ertheias) in some parties. mages damage is kinda "qq" in raids, except if they have good items, so powind will help. as a dual, you don't need much pvp setup(con) so you can focus on power heal + a lil wit. if you won't be damaged by 7.9 euros, you can buy when you hit 99 a chaos essence for dual class and change for eva, it's really good for purges and etc.
whoah i never knew i cant use dual in olympiad. but thanks for the information. maybe i will reset my sub from shilen saint to eva's saint since i cant use dual in olympiad.