the only groups from bs that we could find daily arround and pvp with them before the rest of the zerg started to port were harts group, fredrik group, and defro group. raxor group was competitive in pvp also but pretty innactive. rest all pred or waited for this groups to make cc to port out of town.
where are you syra when there is mass pvp ? never see you. so you just show alone , pr from golden cp , and then trying to get lower groups to show that you are winning something ?
so giving that 7sign thing (or how ever you write it) + 4bilions + orfen earring (if i remember well) for 1000 points was fair, just to remind, the 2bilions packs auctioned after were sold for 1230+ points. oh yea, after giving those "useless stuff" to them they could keep a lot of points to bid for more adenas and items, fair.
if the items were given away by fair auction, why didn't defro do the same with the energy? :d you're basically saying that because fredrik cp was like 5th or even less on the ranking (because they were barrelly helping or not helping at all in any boa event) they deserved more the item than the rest of the cp's on the top of the list that were attending to the events for really long and saving points to get something good! that makes a lot of sense... fredrik + syra (you can't call 2 people a cp) were pretty active during gainak (because they wanted stones, unfortunatly i dont remember them so active in the time others needed), also during the day cooperating with rg to get drops, that's for sure! as a cp they had nice active at night in pvp... but they helped/contributed zero for that 7signs energy! when it was proposed to only let active cp's on the events to get the item they pretended, defro answered it wouldnt be fair for the cp's that were farming for longer and now couldnt be active! i guess he fast changed his mind (or someone was extremely good making him - trying to defending him *.*) and he gave the item to the cp that helped less to achieve it! good i was out of it! gl to everyone in everything. best wishes
don't worry shimura you are getting that 7s talishman you so much crave soon no longer need to make under the table deals with defro for it )))) as about fredrik cooperating with rg for gainak you can check yourself on tina's fraps how you healing next to grave :x