i read the patch note, saw : ertheia wind blend : 3s not hidden, 7s hidden yuls : up. today was a good day. by the way, i think that eviscerators are a scary class in open field pvp, as you will most likely not have a macro /target for him, and he can detarget a lot. in og, they're more managable, because you can have your macro, and can use your ue/ud/hide/giant's favor etc etc while he's in steel mind (be extremely careful of the high dmg output an eviscerator can bring in sm)
check this video, show all new skills, ertheias begin somewhere on 300, you can see how hide works in io
they can but at least not every handless sayha will be able to win oly match because sooner or latter they will fail with 1 hide and bye bye..
you dont get it right? this is a boost not a nerf, they can still stay in perma hide + dmg reduction for 3 seconds.
so, sayhas will be more powerfull then now and evis dont change? i dont understand ru so, video not help so much. btw, thanks!
well, if they are still able to be perma hide, it'll be by using every one of their hides in the most efficient way, allowing yuls to find them without them being able to "oh, they found me, just press this "oh ****" button".
archer got better flare can block hide? undoes the trap or hideout effect in on e's surroundings. can use a hideout - blocker debuff on a target at lv 3. can use on both neutral and enemies