something's not clear to me. buying these boxes, i can get any of these agathions? or only taurus? i want cancer and gimini, i can get them? the information is confusing.
you can recieve the agathion according to the current zodiac in that time. for example: if you want that cancer agathion you have to wait until 21. june. but then the sale is over.
i don't understand the different levels, how can we upgrade them ? edit : nvm, i found the original topic (omg another p2w gamble !!!).
a question to innova. you sell us stuff thgrought the l2 store, those stuff have a chance to give us some bonus efects or extra items. and here it come the question that bothers me. why the chance for geting something is not anonced i m not sure about the eula but i think that is not very legal. when i give my money for something i want to know for what i give them, even in a betting industry there are some rules. when yo go to play loto you know exacly what is the chance to win one thing or another and this is annonced so you can make your decision to give your money or no. innova operate in europe and i think that they need to follow the eu rulles about gambling, selling or whatever they think the l2 store is. i think that we need to know for what are we paying here. i refuse to give more money for something that can be with lower chance than the winning from the lottary.... 1 more thing why legal documentation, privacy policy and other▼ button dont work at the website?
what are you guys talking about? have you ever played ccg/tcg? gambling is part of the game, i'd almost dare to say it's part of the fun of the game.
totally agree about the fact they should provide the chances for something we're actually spending our money into. but innova cares too much about their cash flow to risk losing money by telling you that the actual chance for getting a longoing tali is around 0.03%... just think about the fact that l2store experiment request are not accepted.... seems like they don't want ppl to be aware of how much innova is taking advantage of rich kids and guys whith big hopes! xd @airx gambling is part of the game? no doubt. but you can gamble even if you know which are the chances for obtaining an item. hiding those numbers looks is a bad behaviour from a company who gets our money, at least ethically. just my 2cents
i see your point but do not agree, if they said "longing tali is 1%" i expect weekly rant threads of "i bought 100 of those and didn't get it". i think common sense of "better items have lower chance" is fair enough, there is no real need of actual numbers, it's not like you either get one thing or nothing (where then i agree knowing its rate would be necessary to evaluate whether to invest time, energy and/or money), you will always get something, how much that's worth is purely luck, no maths or "statistical worth" involved.
hello, dear innova's stuff, could you please be honest enough and update the reward list on the post about the boxes, because i think that putting "warm breeze" in the rewards was a plain lie. best regards.
its seems that noone will come to answer to us. i think to stop buying items from store till they give us all rates with chance for wining one item or another. this now is just one big scam and i dont know why ppl still keep silence and say nothing. if more ppl stop buying items from l2 store maybe some day they will stop with this attitude....
just because you don't like something doesn't make it necessarily wrong and bad, this topic looks to me like a whiny rant "i want my easy p2w gear plzplz". i can tell you augm packs (either 95 or 99) is around 70%, other 25-to-30 goes to ge/eod and what's left includes elcyum, agathion, talismans and immortal scroll, but for either of those i think 5% would be too high expectation, much close to <1%. now with that said, i bought 30 and best i got were 2 elcyums, my mate bought 2 for the lulz and got agathion and morale tali. gg no re.