5 minutes show how u was lieng, as usually, and a conclusive evidence made u look like a dork, as usually.
let me do the math for you, siege is 2hours = 120 minutes. you posted 5 minutes. that's less than 5% of the whole siege. but i won't call you any names, any thinking person can see who is lieng.
kk thx defnotmits. now open the youtube link and watch the video(since you haven't done it). ps.: how can you say that ppl lie while you don't even read/watch what they write/show. ps2.: all in all, yes, any thinking person can see who is lieing. the one who doesn't read/watch what others write/show or the one which is proving his point many ways.
better be pinocchio than mcdonalds mascot . plus i already said and proved my point, you can keep calling me names this doesn't change the fact that everytime kengaa was cc leader in blackswans, you got dunked.
he was cc leader only for this 1 valakas? btw how do u feel after ur cp didnt pr from pvp and stand up in pvp endless 30 seconds?
nothing to say at syra again , she is so mad that she put me on ignore list. like if mods tell her to jump off from a bridge , she will do it !
if the party we had tonight was my cp, i'm napoleon. with nuker playing healer and dcing every 30s , tank with mix of immortal and coc jewels and 0 ap.
hello napoleon. still you need some french lessons before claiming to be one of the best general earth knew !
one of the best , not the best. oh i see what you wanted to show elesmira : that napeleon lost a battle with more people on his side. soooo rgs are kinda french army at waterloo ??
all i see is kenga kenga kenga but when there was bs ive never seen ur pathethic pt doing anything so yea... and now i still hear this kenga kenga mb its some code for pr or avoid or run idk or something cause i dont see anyone fighting only talk big and killing bosses with no tagged chars
if we were that pathetic why you tried to recruit us multiple times,from the time we were still in seraph?