good afternoon, when i came to core server (we came from american) i felt very full server. find groups at party matching to everywhere.. for now , i see the server so empty.. :cry: myb with this new update server come to a high population again!
winegod this joke isnt funny anymore,change your attitude and grow up,stop trying to trolling everything
dead serbidor ! the truth has been said there , no lies on that ***** words trying to find some pvp at 22:30 gmt +1 and all what i find is some carebears that show their shiny armor and wings on towns . #wipeserver #mergewithrussians
cause very simple,major clans are in coc feeding their ppl,go and check before you speak about dead server,maybe people are doing something else this time.
so you telling me that there is 4 areas with 20 ppl each wich make a number of 80 ppl , so much sadness ... 80 ppl on peak time are inside coc , what about the rest of places??? empty as **** ! dead serbidor is dead dude ! deal with it :x
when ppl dont do coc or oly,are always outside and pvp,i talk about the major clans,dead server always ment that dont have ppl,but when major clans have this time 100 online means that they are doing something else,and not 20 ppl are doing coc,but way more so stop beeing clueless,just log on every ts/mumble and check coc channels this time....
stop talking about dead server this update was **** anyway no open farm zone where u can pvp new update will change everythign groups which want to lvl up has to go out and than u can find pvp at the new locations
i know how poops work out here , i just wonder do u even get dkp for being on coc chanels nowdays ? how can i log on ts/mumble if im not clan member of x / y clan ? lets wait for new updated as dragonik said and see what happen with all those carebears , maybe server will revive for 1-2months :d