i was wandering, why is one banned and the other not? afaik they both are only available from l2store, the only difference i can come up with is that you can directly purchase brooches while talisman is random from a pack, but even the brilliant brooch pack has first a chance to open the ones you need, and then again 4 times a always smaller chance to successfully compound, which is the reason why most lv5 brooches cost much more than a hunter tali. also, i would rather have obsi/pearl/diam/ruby/sapph/opal lv5 brooches (according to class) than the hunter, so neither their effectiveness/power is a suitable reason. has this ever been discussed before? any thoughts?
while hunter tali can only be acquired from l2store, brooches and jewelry box are also available from the merchant of mammon. i think that's the reason why you can have brooch equipped while fighting in oly: tali is only from l2store while the brooch can be acquired ig for adena. i might be wrong though.
i don't think it has to do with how they are obtained. for example dragon weapons don't come from l2 store, they come from dragon drops and they are still disabled at olympiad. more probably it's some 'balance' decision, whether you agree with it or not. ^^
that's interesting: i've always thought that items which are obteinable in-game were allowed in oly while items that are acquired with real currency were banned (like hunter tali from l2store, zodiac agathions, pa rose etc.). but hey, i never had the chance to use one of those weapon to see that i was wrong! xd
i'd love to! ^^ anyway, back on topic, seems i am a little bit clueless about this matter; thanks both for the info
i bet it has nothing to do with l2store, but most likely the fact abundance talismans are not available on korea (at least they didnt exist in epeisodion there). brooch exist on both its its enabled.