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Official Clan List [Core]

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by SplichO, Dec 9, 2011.

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  1. SplichO

    SplichO Banned

    Likes Received:
    since number of clans couldn't be done in 1 post old tread is closed and new one is open so the posts can be updated in case the clan status expand even more.

    we for sure need to have this topic:

    clan name: team zone
    web/forum: www.********.biz
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name:fortune
    web/forum: www.fortune.uphero.com
    recruitment status:open
    clan information:international

    clan name: slayers
    web/forum: http://slayers.merly.pl/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name: hellfire
    web/forum: http://l2-pt.eu
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name: frostwolves
    web/forum: www.frostwolves.forummotions.com
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name: 100percent (ally)
    web/forum: www.100percent.info
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name: kinas
    web/forum: http://www.evilsystem.pt.am
    facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/evil-system-kinas/183938638362810?sk=info
    recruitment status: not open, yet
    clan information: only portuguese

    clan name: enclave
    web/forum: http://clan.forumn.net/forum
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: only lithuanians

    clan name: noway
    website : http://l2.noway.free.fr/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international ( mostly french )

    clan name: asgard clan
    web/forum: http://www.asgardgaming.eu
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: only polish players

    clan name: fhatys
    web/forum: fhatys.byethost2.com (new domain will be assigned soon)
    recruitment status: invitational only
    clan information: hungarian

    clan name: vg
    web/forum: http://www.vgclan.net
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: only portuguese

    clan name: newborn
    recruitment status: open
    forum : http://newborn.freeforums.org/index.php
    clan information: international players

    clan name: echo
    recruitment status: open
    web page: http://echo-eu.shivtr.com
    clan information: international recruitment

    clan name: old-school
    web/forum: http://old-school.xooit.eu/index.php
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: f.r.e.n.c.h only

    clan name: nomercy
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name: cruorhonor
    web/forum: www.cruorhonor.com
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: only spain

    clan name: zerg
    web/forum: www.zerg.darkbb.com
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name: impulse
    web/forum: http://www.theavalancheclan.altervista.org/sito/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: only italian

    clan name: antisocial
    web/forum: http://antisocial-clan.com/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name: orderofwhitewolf
    forum/web: http://ooww.dl.pl / http://orderofwhitewolf.eu
    recruitment status: closed
    clan information: international

    clan name: kolczasteanioly
    forum/web: http://www.l2ka.pun.pl/index.php
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: only polish players

    clan name: redemption
    web/forum: http://redemptionclan.foro-espana.com/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: only spain

    clan name: ronins
    web/forum: http://ronin.servehalflife.com/index.php
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: lithuanians only

    clan name: oldboyz
    recruitment status: women only, we're kinda old and we really need nurses
    web page: www.oldboyz.pl
    clan information: polish mainly, but if can handle our mental issues you're free to join

    clan name: romafia
    web/forum: http://romafia.yolasite.com
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: only romania

    clan name: redguard
    web/forum: http://www.redguard.eu
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international/english speaking

    clan name: zjawy
    recruitment status: open
    forum : http://www.zjawyl2.pun.pl/
    clan information: polish clan, looking for people for playing to have fun! /polski klan, szukamy chętnych osób do wspólnej zabawy!

    clan name: espada
    web/forum: will be updated soon
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international/english speaking, former played in raidfight, adenagate, rpg, asterios, l2.ws

    clan name: conclave
    web/forum: www.conclaveguild.enjin.com
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: portuguese ppl

    clan name:
    web/forum: http://sex.l2-zone.eu
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: mostly bulgarian ppl, but all other are welcome too

    clan name:
    web/forum: www.auroraclan.pl
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: polish clan with fair dkp system.

    clan name: seelenfeuer
    web/forum: https://forum.4game.com/showthread.php?t=161
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international/english speaking

    clan name:
    recruitment status:open +18
    web/forum: www.eclipse.org.pl
    clan information: polish clan with 7 years experience in mmo games (l2 too).../ polski klan z 7 letnim doświadczeniem w grach mmo (l2 też)

    clan name: anarkia
    web/forum: www.clan-anarkia.fr
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: french

    clan name: axxisshadow
    web/forum: http://axxisshadow.mojeforum.net
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: polish

    clan name: french kiss
    our section will join vg
    web/forum: http://www.frenchkiss-clan.com
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international/french

    clan name: jghphhhf
    forum: http://jghphhhf.net
    recruitment status: maybe players that use to play with us on nanaki/celes/l2sublimity days
    clan information:http://www.youtube.com/results?sear...l=795l1847l0l2092l8l7l0l4l4l0l191l421l1.2l3l0

    clan name: mafia pinguina
    web/forum: http://mafiapinguina.foroactivo.com/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: clan is spanish

    clan name: chaos
    web/forum: http://www.chaoseu.x10.mx/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name: vaevictis & vv
    web/forum: http://l2vaevictis.forumotion.net/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    - asking clan leaders to make a post i will be editing and adding all clans on the list which will post their information.
    - those who have posted info need to edit it so i can edit info if some changes
    - prepare your post properly so i wont need to change it every 30 minutes :)

    link to old topic: https://forum.4game.com/showthread.php?t=116
  2. SplichO

    SplichO Banned

    Likes Received:
    clan name: hetsui
    web/forum: www.hetsui.pl
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: only polish players.

    clan name: freaks
    web/forum: http://clan-freaks.bbactif.com/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: french players.

    clan name: serverpolice
    web/forum: http://serverpolicel2.freeforums.org
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international, english speaking only. hardcore and heavily organized. voicecomm and forum usage is a requirement.

    clan name: mercenary
    web/forum: private
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: only lithuanian players, teamspeak
    skype: killavanillaeng

    clan name: all stars
    web/forum: http://allstarsl2.foroactivo.com/forum
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: spanish players

    clan name: divineglory
    web/forum: http://divineglory.shivtr.com/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name: shillienservitor
    web/forum: http://liiservitor.forumgratuit.fr/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: clan français de dark elf =>roleplay<=

    clan name: lazyfarmers
    web/forum: http://crazyfarmers.eu/
    recruitment status: closed
    clan information: full of troll's.

    clan name: orderofthestick
    web/forum: oofts.ok1.pl
    recruitment status: otwarta dla polskich graczy którzy wolą pvp od farmu
    clan information: anti farm squad

    clan name: mugetsu
    web/forum: http://www.forum.midgard-kontaktkreis.de
    recruitment: status open (18years+)
    clan information: language german

    clan name: unknownsociety
    web/forum: www.unknownsociety.pt.to
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international/portuguese community

    clan name: peacecountry
    web/forum: none yet
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name: ecarlate
    web/forum: http://lune.ecarlate.free.fr/forum
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: french

    clan name: angels of death
    web/forum: http://deathdivision.freeforums.org/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name: seren1ty
    web/forum: http://serenity.xdot.eu/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name: dna
    web/forum: none, atm.
    recruitment: status open (uk based players only)
    clan information: language english(uk), actively recruiting.. message phenom

    clan name: heartbreakers
    web/forum: http://endition.nl/forum
    recruitment status: open lvl 70+ constant party's only
    clan information: international

    clan name:
    web/forum: http://www.severance.co.nr
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: international

    clan name: error504
    web/forum: http://clanerror504-l2.foroactivo.com/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: spanish-speaking only

    clan name: sfora
    web/forum: http://l2-sfora.cba.pl/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: polish players

    clan name: lesfremens
    web/forum: http://www.lesfremens.warsforum.com
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: french speakers only

    clan name: initium morti (full name: bruderschaft initium morti)
    web/forum: http://initium-morti.userboard.org
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: german players only (100%)

    clan name: apocalypse
    web/forum: www.l2-apoc.com
    recruitment status: invite only
    clan information: international

    clan name: shinto - seiken
    web/forum: n/a
    recruitment status: closed/invite only
    clan information: hungarian/international

    clan name: redzerg
    forum/web: http://redzerg.artist-school.com/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information:international/languages russian/lithuanian/spanish/english

    clan name: atoz
    forum/web: http://atoz.sivosten.com/
    recruitment status: open

    clan name: ltunited
    web/forum: private
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: lithuanian/lithuanians only
    clan information: international (eastern europe, western europe, middle east)/language english

    clan name: dragones negros
    web/forum: private
    recruitment status: open/inv only
    clan information: international (mostly spanish)

    clan name: brothers in arms
    web/forum: http://exsilium.ucoz.com/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: active polish players

    clan name: legionphoenix
    forum : http://www.legion-phoenix.com
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: french

    clan name: renegaci
    forum : http://www.renegaci.com.pl/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: polish

    clan name: theunforgiving
    forum: http://theunforgiving.org/
    recruitment status: invite only
    clan information: international

    clan name: furious angels
    web/forum: http://furiousangels.umforum.net/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: played on teon/naia, english speaking clan
  3. Pinko

    Pinko User

    Likes Received:
    ok guys topic is updated but i see some clans that have disbanded or are no longer active or on under the same name so i`d like if you can help by writing here that you are active - all other clans will be moved ot 2nd or 3rd post and might be deleted after some time or just left as clan names w/o any other info. so please ask your clan leaders or responsible officers to visit this topic , thank you in advance.
  4. JohnnyPumba

    JohnnyPumba User

    Likes Received:
    clan name: furious angels
    web/forum: http://fangels.shivtr.com/
    recruitment status: open
    clan information: played on teon/naia, international clan, new leadership, clan lvl 9 full skill's, clan hall giran.
  5. Nyweris

    Nyweris User

    Likes Received:
    this list so outdated :/ wtb smbody at least to fix it a bit ><
  6. Robby

    Robby User

    Likes Received:
    splicho too busy hoping servers every 2 weeks and then spamming everyones mails.
  7. Crown123

    Crown123 User

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