l2wiki.com, a version of the leading lineage 2 encyclopaedia, is now available in english for european players.
sorry but i clicked like 20 links on that website and all showed: i gave up searching for information then.
he's working, some help would be also useful i guess. the ru one is very nice. http://l2central.info/wiki/Энциклопедия_lineage_2
we fill the english version of the content as quickly as we can here you out straight from the tin - http://l2wiki.com/epic_accessories
great news for today! now we have uploaded content about skills for each class, complete information about cloaks, bracers, talismans and belts. hope this info we be useful and help you enjoy the game even more!
thanks a lot! this is a great way to share knowledge. keep up the good work! if i find some free time during christmas i might add a stub or two
add mini-guides for all rbs in kamaloka - hall of the abyss: http://l2wiki.com/kamaloka_(hall_of_the_abyss)