hi, the number of needed s cry for http://l2wiki.com/bound_apocalypse_dual_sword is 195 s cry, not 142. i did this duals yesterday, fix ( maybe on bound apo dual blunts is same ) i like this site, but i hate the random rewards info on quest... i can find item, i see - reward of the quest, i click to the quest and i see " random " ... and i must start searching randomly another rewards :d:d can you add the directlink to rewards or small info ( like " random requiem/apocalypse weapons, ear and ew r, all attributes stones/crystals" -> http://l2wiki.com/not_strong_enough_alone :d etc. )
fck, realy... i make with ishuma ... i thought that the price is the same. something about me seemed :d :d sorry i think, cheaper is issuma, s cry have low price
common items no longer drop from monsters and are not sold at npc, but has previously obtained items is not removed from the game, and they can sell to npc or trade and exchange it with other players.
you say this database is accurate. according to l2wiki.com bathin wizards in toi 1-3 spoil is: recipe: stockings of doom (100%) 1 0.01% — 0.05% scroll: enchant weapon (b-grade) 1 0.001% — 0.005% recipe: leather armor of doom (100%) 1 0.001% — 0.01% recipe: staff of evil spirits (100%) 1 0.001% — 0.005% guess what. i only got necklace of black ore beads from spoil...
today's news: http://l2wiki.com/bracers http://l2wiki.com/weapons pages updated with more info a new article about pets - http://l2wiki.com/wolves several articles about types of armor and armor parts: http://l2wiki.com/armor http://l2wiki.com/light_armor http://l2wiki.com/heavy_armor http://l2wiki.com/magic_armor http://l2wiki.com/gloves http://l2wiki.com/helmets http://l2wiki.com/boots
a new article about those who may help you whether you fight with mobs or take part in a combat with other players http://l2wiki.com/servitors besides, to continue our series of articles about armor, http://l2wiki.com/shirts added
hooray! we've completed all articles about pets with the following materials: http://l2wiki.com/baby_pets and added the full multi-page overview of dragon pets, from hatchlings to wyverns. hope you'll find them useful! http://l2wiki.com/dragons
to complete the list of this week's updates, we've uploaded more articles: the fill list of the new quests which appeared in god update, including starting npcs and their location, short description, level and type (one-time/daily), etc. http://l2wiki.com/new_quests the full list of level-xp dependencies, so, if you wonder how much xp you need to the next level, this article is for you http://l2wiki.com/character_level more articles about weapon: http://l2wiki.com/improving_vesper_armor http://l2wiki.com/hero_weapons
hi again i find ( now realy :d ) mistake here http://l2wiki.com/blessed_immortal_breastplate check http://l2wiki.com/unidentified_immortal_gaiters , identify section ... blessed immortal gaiters does not exist and http://l2wiki.com/unidentified_amaranthine_shaper check identify section best regards an7yk
we continue working on the site, here's the list of the updates uploaded up to now: full info about armor sets: http://l2wiki.com/armor_sets (click the links to find out more) more articles about armor: http://l2wiki.com/improving_vesper_armor http://l2wiki.com/improving_dynasty_armor skills classification (more articles about skills later this week) http://l2wiki.com/skills
weekend's updated with a bit of delay: http://l2wiki.com/skill_transfer http://l2wiki.com/skill_enchanting
article about aden donation system with latest harmony updates http://l2wiki.com/aden_donation_system
there is a type error for this page : http://l2wiki.com/sub_-_physical_ability_increase there are two "max hp" bonuses. one of it should be "max cp".