hey there do anyone have a information about catas and necros? have they a comebackplan in other form for the catas? i miss them! and i think iam not the only one wohs missing them ^^
dear jayrock, here is a link to patch notes where you can see all changes regarding seven signs and catacombs/necropolis - http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?p=3072914#post3072914 as for if there are any plans to re-introduce them or an equivalent version of them, we will have to wait and see.
hum, what is wrong ? cata / necro are closed (under npc investigation). ncsoft can still make new event to make things change inside cata/necro for the next updates...
i didint make my self clear srry, i was talking bout that part of reintroducing, acording to the l2 lore atm there is no need for catas any more, and if we defeat her, reintroducing will be pointless, unless simillar form but definatly diffrent mobs and diffrent story behind that, but i dont think so.