i have killed at least 500 mobs that could drop this fs, i got all kind of fs from mobs except this one. and i have never seen it in auction neither any1 selling. is it not dropping at all or am i extremly unlucky?
dear moderator, i kindly ask u stop posting false information(i said that when u posted bout stats saying same now) this site got alot of false info in it including 70%+ of drops are not accurate and wrong mobs.
information is right about chant of movement but i don't know if innova added those into monster drop database. since on korea monster didn't drop as it should so they needed to fix it, on taiwan and japanese server it was working ok. not so sure about that here
dear stomped, database is accurate, same mobs drop it in ncwest. maybe isn't correctly added here. did it occur to you? also in the stat post u refer to, those i knew myself, i didn't know that moderator in your language means encyclopedia.. and after i posted right ones from korean site.
acording to l2wiki chant of movement has 0.01% — 0.05% drop chance, while other chant books has 1.485% — 1.831%. so, it really has 36x lower drop rate than other chants? its not suprising why it is so hard to get..
play ol and give me 1.485%-1.831% drop chance on any book. wc cry about one book, i have all with ****y drop and one is ****y drop from lvl 84 mob gf