pailaka level 49 is bugged i cant pass through the secret passage under water to kill the last boss when i try to pass i get stuck... also there r 2 gms online which r in message refusal mode!!!!! and petition system dont work!!!!! do something about this asap ty
there is also another problem with pailaka lvl49, i could pass thru the water and started hitting the adamantium boss or whatever that cat thingy is called. everything went fine until it hit like 50% hp . the boss instantly regained full hp then and ran way. even when i permanently nuked him i only got to like 50% and then "reset" tried everything after like an hour i quitted trying and left it. sometimes it resets hp @50% sometimes earlier. just not able to kill him with a spellhowler lvl49. atleast that was my result when i did try it today...
did you kill all the bosses on fire and water side of the area and have the weapon from them completed (not needed to kill the boss)?
if the question if all bosses were killed was for me , then yes i did kill all the bosses for the last boss quest told me to go for him
did try it with equipped quest weapon boss still resetted himself from 50% to full sometimes from 75 to full just whatever
did that quest/instance 3 times and everything was perfect. used duals from quest and it's skills. that dog regained full hp just once but after that i killed it easily. gl
i had no problems with bosses healing only i got stuck 63756735673 times in the water through the secret passage finally i managed to pass by making very short one step moves...
do not go far from him , he heals his hp and runs back to his place if you aggro him and run away from his spot.
i did that quest like 3-4 times already, always managed to get through the water part (by clicking once to the other side of the passage, and if he got stuck anyway click on the other side like a mad man until it glitches through). as for the boss resetting its hp - you must be doing something wrong.
no i got stuck in the middle and couldnt move i tried everything wasd, arrows clicking turning nothing worked only managed to move step by step