why if u gonna make an launcher maintenance u dont say it, im very dissapointed about the way fo work of this server, full of rumors cause u dont have time or staff for give info to the people, and im very piss off about this ****, i wont say anything about the mysterious pa. i damn the hour that i decide leave my toon in naia and come here -,-
every maintance was and is anounced. it may be that maintance is for delayed pa services or for other reasons. :\
dear patri, please be patient, there are many people working on have a best game server, every maintenance you got, best is the game. https://forum.4game.com/showthread.php?t=3612 thanks and regards.
after maintenance u can buy pa, sorry but i've never paid to play in a private server... and by the moment innova is a private server for me
still no way to connect even after maitainance. if that`s innova`s way of saying buy pa or u won`t log in - pretty bad move. i hope that it`s just for today. just 1 piece of advice if i may - when doing maitainance please say web page will be down/unavailable for 1/2/..../n hours - and if u have to say 2h instead of 1 just to be safe, no one will be mad if u get everything working earlier, but it`s pretty bad getting almost last minute announcements for something u`ll eventually see or figure out by yourself. when i come to the forum and see a topic about downtime - i`d like to see for how long ?
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