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Aria start (It's not kinda too late?)

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by xRelapse, Dec 22, 2011.

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  1. Alka_

    Alka_ User

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    who cares about the christmass event ? lol
    mentor system aint working atm, but they did say it might be implemented later on.
    ncsoft only introduced path to awakening so new comers would be able to catch up with old players and would stand a chance against them in those old servers, as they didnt not plan opening new servers at the beginning, new server was announced only after they saw that the interest for it was high. also for me it's still the same, prolly even easier if u got pa , exping is fast items are not a problem up to s grd, so path of awakening doesnt make that big of a difference.
    their marketing was abit bad, they could of done a way better work.
  2. MaoMao

    MaoMao User

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    i am not gonna change to aria now, that is for new players only and it is a great choice for the ppl that see what happens in nc ones. the bots are still there, same adena advertising, only change is that trains are free now and the poor hardware makes the servers extremely unstable when they have more than the usual 1k from before f2p.
    it is tru that path to awakening helps a lot and the mentoring system too, but while i dont want path to awakening here, i do think that mentoring is needed and will probably be on later.
    i have played in nc close to 6 years, left there clan with clan hall and 5 chars over 83, billions in assets etc and only logged to test things in order to prepare for innova launch. that is because there cant be worse service than nc they actually ask you to go as soon as you talk about bots and their lies and failures, they even threaten you directly.
    has anyone notice here a bot thread ? no ? why we dont have one ? does innova delete all complains about bots ? do they threaten ppl that talk about them ? do they delete bot pk chars ? close accounts for "harassment" if they kill too many bots to make place for their party ?
    cool, point taken, no christmas event, no event whatsoever yet, but launching a service from start, with buggy builds from nc hardly gives time for anything else, core seems stable, as stable as it can be, at least, also there are no gms in /gmlist which doesnt look good, at least for someone used for that in nc servers, i would like to see at least a gm there, i would also want the bugs fixed faster, but given the circumstances what i can say is: so far so good.
    what i want:
    1. gms in /gmlist;
    2. bugs fixed. those in cruma are particularly bad, as well as quests in vos or other places where npcs are in the ground or someplace in the air unreachable;
    3. petition system working;
    4. mentoring on;
    5. "cleaner" moderators. it isnt possible to put a famous cheater from naia as moderator here, for ppl that know it, it's a disgrace.

    now, back to aria launch, there are many ppl, including me, that want some "lebensraum" and dont like big crowds following a mob. i dont plan to move as i said, and i hoped some ppl will move but it isnt so, however, at least new ppl will join aria, hopefully, and will ease the pressure on core.

    i notice that with so many ppl leaving for nc there are still 3 ppl for a mob in shrine and 2 in woa. if anything the problem is getting worse, even at 2 am gmt it is still very hard to do quests there, more exp you get hunting regular mobs than with quest waiting and praying for a spawn near you while the ranged ppl are busy elsewhere.
    ppl that need bot, go nc, the others, trust me, there is nothing worth it there.
  3. Nanaki

    Nanaki User

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    go to ncwest and enjoy castle sieges, tw and all events at 3-4 am :d
  4. MaT®¢̪̀̅●x

    MaT®¢̪̀̅●x User

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    better 4 am than in 1 month after start right?
  5. Sieghardt

    Sieghardt User

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    i can see that ppl cry over this. they cried over this for forever. anyways, wait for an event and get some server problems solved is far more important imho, but thats just me maybe.

    so what? oh noez, all the 86+ awakend chars here can't take mentees....

    try to become a mentee on ncwest, good luck (go create a toon on naia/chronos, 5min should be enough to realize something).

    that is no l2 feature, it's ncwest only. and what do you get out of it? equipment up to low s, a mentee certificate, some shots, some buff pots and a few vit items.

    equipment up to low s should not be an issue. if you can't get it without path you should probably better quit now. the certificate is not needed since no one is 86+ and most pplo will reach 86 together and the other stuff is a nice addon but honestly it's like what? 5 eur in igshop? 10? get over it.

    yeah, and ncwest is famous for it's marketing.

    anyways, no one forces you to play here, you can create a char on ncwest and check out their service and then decide where you want to continue. coming from naia i know ncwest and i take the opportunity to play l2 without them.

    and for all the "pa is too expensive" guys: ncwest does not have pa. their igshop is not cheaper then ours and you will lag there aswell. but rest assured, battleping is officialy approved by ncwest and since it's f2p now you can easily afford the 4$ / month for it.

    not everything is working well here but the game is just 2 weeks old ffs.
  6. Jitte

    Jitte User

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    i think the main reason ppl play in innova is
    1-they came from private servers and they dont know nothing about ncwest, so saying service on innova its better then ncwest is ********, back in c1 all the gms were kind, and helpfull, its allways the same **** at begginer.
    2- there isnt any new european server in ncwest only naia that, have ppl allready 90+, so for those who wants play from begginer dont want start there.

    and i bet if ncwest would open a new european server at the same time as core , not that many ppl would play here
  7. Robby

    Robby User

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    aria is playable, ppl lvl up faster than on core due to server not being overcrowded, atleast my nerves are fine at aria than they were on core where everything must be ksed.
  8. omigad

    omigad User

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    all you saing is 1000% ********!
    im not from private servers and i know ncwest well from all their games. ncwest have the worst support ever and only reason you like them is they allow you to bot - haha got you! you dirty botter!
    also you are probably jelaous about core is more crowded than naia.
    naia is fake european server already - only idiots will play there with 90+ levels and high ping because its not located in europe like core...

    about aria - its epic fail and already useless server. will be empty forever and innova soon will be forced to merge it.
    you innova isnt smart, open aria so late was very stupid idea.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2011
  9. 1tm

    1tm User

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    yea, hundrends of players who left naia just for core, doesn't know anything about ncwest. yes, "bots doesn't work on ncwest, at same level as in innova servers" and everyone know that and still doesn't know anything-main reason why to play here. i am even doesn't speaking about usa and europe pings. ncwest players says that nc service is sh*t, euroff players says same about innova. both sides is wrong and right, people just exaggerating everything.
    chaotic chronicles, chaotic thrones and goddes chapters isn't comparable. i would say c1 was whole other game, where all people was kind and helpfull, mostly everyone left this game when they saw such drastic concept changes, even services changed because of that.

    bartz. ncwest server, which has reasonable time for europeans, same as core. so why it is more empty than aria, and core is same crowed?
  10. Jitte

    Jitte User

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    never said ncwest service is better then innova just saying is the same ****, only diference is innova just started and ncwest existe since 2005.
    bartz is us server not europan so dunno why u say its same thing.

    and naia population is the same as core ,same slots same amount of ppl.
  11. 1tm

    1tm User

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    but, you said it as main reason why people choose innova.

    sorry i misread, thought you was refering to server timezone, not same server openings. if bartz with poll would launched at same day as magmeld, woundering how many ppl would be there right now. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2011
  12. darky

    darky User

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    who really cares if someone is leaving or not?
    innova didnt make any attempt to promote itself in europe and they managed to have one overcrowed server
    they open a second one and slowly that one will be full just like core..

    so if anyone wants to go to ncfail feel free to go making a thread about it the only thing that is showing is lack of iq
  13. Fusion

    Fusion User

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    watch your language and double check who you call idiot, fagot. only fake thing in here is your stupid brain.
  14. Krontas

    Krontas User

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    player cry about every ****. someone post that dosnt matter what innova do. some player will ever cry. and thats 100% correct.
    ok something went wrong but this is not a reason for opening a massiv ****storm for every fly that got catched. every fourth thread is a ****storm from a player nobody care. if they threaten with a serverleave i laugh every time cause they only want that his opinion is the only right one and our solarsystem have to spin around himself.
  15. Alka_

    Alka_ User

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    @ at service beeing different in c1.
    it was because ppl were more mature back in c1, mostly every1 who played the game had fluent english and they didnt cry over every single step, like ppl now days omg he killed me he's op nerf nerf, omg dis aint working u fail ,gm pls mi lvl up the list goes on... gm's were able to reply every1 as most ppl only contacted them on serious maters now they get spawned 24/7 in official and in private servers over stupid stuff which are only a waste of time. ppl no longer respect another person's work and they flame them at every chance they get even for little mistakes which causes lot of ppl to lose their confidence and passion in their work.

    if you want a better gameplay, better gaming experience, better community stop blaming/flaming every1 all the time for little mistakes that sometimes may acquire, stop being a ******ed ****head *****ing about everything and try to be ****ing mature for once in ur life time - this is the key to the best gaming experience u can get.
  16. Username

    Username User

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    more than 10 characters
  17. Jitte

    Jitte User

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    naia server is in frankfurt(germany) so dunno where is the high ping there for european ppl
    thats why imo if ncwest would open a new server in europe, at same time the innova, fo sho there will be more ppl there then in innova,and i dare u to log in shilen and see how many european play there even with **** oly and seige time, and 1 more thing im not defende ncwest or innova just saying my opinion, ppl here defende innova, if u go official forums they also will say lol innova lol so dunno why u guys care\cry so much, maybe is coz u are a bounch of kids.
    and if u know me from retail im glad coz ppl know me coz i was a good player, cant say the same of u coz i dont know how tha fack u are.
  18. 1tm

    1tm User

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    your first one sentince kinda denies your last one. if you played in retail, then not in ncwest one, because its like impossible to not know where is naia. i doubt that someone will know you if you played in ruoff or in other region restricted official.
  19. Jitte

    Jitte User

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    read again wasnt me that said naia is on us server and have high ping
  20. 1tm

    1tm User

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    you said it is in europe, but it isn't.

    current ncwest naia server location is in dallas, texas, usa. and to me it has three times bigger ping than core has.
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