change name/nick 1 if i want to change nickname, how many i need to pay for it 2 is there any possibility for change sub with main ?
ask the staff here: ! don't belive to casual noobs like kazi0wichura who spam the forum just for fun...
innova are discussing the option to have character rename implemented into the l2 store and hope this will be done in the future, although at the moment they can not give a timeframe yet. we will update you all once we have further information regarding this. we have no confirmation as yet regarding your second question but as soon as we get any updated information we will let you know. regards.
none of feature he asked about arent aveliveble so whats ur point in those greate words throwed toward me? ps "casual noob"- i like that
character transfers. will there ever be option 2 change servers liek from core ---> aria, and aria ---> core? something like one time option for $?
updated status: the option for changing a character nickname ingame via l2 store is being discussed and we hope it will be done in the future, although we can not give any timeframes yet. when we have any further updates we will keep you informed. regards.
want to buy-change name on my character i would like to ask if there will be any option for free or buy to change the name of my character. thanks for the help and reply
just kidding, innova are thinking about this as well as a few other things for future available services. unfortunately right now it's not available, sorry. regards.
knowing about server merge long before it would/wouldn't happen (fosho) is tricky. if they answer y you will go there and make rly huge profits after merging. if they say n you will not go there and then wine for them if they eventually merge it. so predictable.
why would you donate money to get a name change? do you know what donating means? edit: silly me, ofcourse you dont.