what is this new announcement about ? https://forum.4game.com/showthread.php?t=4957 what skills recall deletation restorment is he talking about? am i too retarted that i dont get it?
yes u are ******ed. its about awaken (4th class) skills didint evne know they need to annouc that coz it was obv they cant do anything bout em.
some new 4rd class skills replaced 2nd/3rd class skills which were better, and some criers want them back
i am not the one of those but people who are asking for that got all rights for demanding such a thing.
not necessarily a such thing, but a least a 'patch' in order all healers have same chances ... (and y, i'm one of those ppl, and now, my char is just **** off in comparison of healers with "light mastery" (less cast, less pdef) )
the patch that will fix healers(when u awake u instantly dont have the light mastery) so all healers will have 4th class mastery. and it happens in next chronicle. @spilicho no they dont have any rights to demand that
closing old/inactive thread for information: https://forum.4game.com/showthread.php?t=5802 moving thread to archives.