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Siege Discussions (No Inappropriate language)

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Necta, Jan 15, 2012.

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  1. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    by neme consideration,which i fully agree with,"untagged" is not limited to exping without a clan tag but generically doing things safely being away from the major wars that drives the server.

    anyway,good job neme with going light,the fact they flame you for that means you did well.
  2. Queem

    Queem User

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    sorry man but hi is existing since the day 1 of server, and were declared war to all strongest clan's on the 1st day we got 15 ppl inside. and i did't saw ur clan anywhere before 3 month and we did't declared cw to you just because never caunted you clan worth to declare war, so it's ur clan were non factor that even not worth declaring war's. may be bh failed hard against ur 3 clan ally, but was much much stronger then ur clan, that's for sure. so my fact's are clear and right.
    also stop changing topic, i asked you to tell me atleast 1 party that were exping untaged till lvl 97, and u still did't managed give answer.
  3. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    what makes me more random than you? what have u accomplished that doesn't make you a random?

    you don't even know what it means to go light lol
  4. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    everything that works making enemies upset about your actions and gives you any kind of advantage is automatically the good choice.
    is like to win lottery and dont pay any tax over that.

    back then the game had a system named "7 signs",related to catacombs and necropolis,usualy making dusk win made alot of people cry and whine for it.
    meanwhile,some smart people farmed anakim sealbooks....
  5. Queem

    Queem User

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    the thing is this is total diferent story, just read patch notes and u will understand what about we talking.
  6. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    they didn't go light to make upset us, they went light because it's the carebear choice...
  7. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    do you think bs/horde/7signs are the only ones with activity problems? lol
  8. Zairakh

    Zairakh User

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    ye as i can see/understanding theres an exp bonus for going light and leaves the chance to free pk "dark sided" players.
    is twisted,but from the perspective of the weaker side seems correct to me,once the war goes down they'll farm to catch up in terms of level-gear.
    dh just did the same on naia,and enemies flames them for almost the same reasons i read here and makes me laugh.

    i think ryan would love this system. :d
  9. sleepers

    sleepers User

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    just face it, the horde will dominate this server in 2016
  10. NemesysX

    NemesysX User

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    thats the difrent my ******ed friends, horde dont care about domination or any other ******** scrubs like you wana call it.
    our target is the balance, for us game has intreasting days due to the fact we have something to reach and yet accomplish.
    being the dominateing side offers you what? zerg everything with x2 or x3 numbers and fap fap about winning something beyond any competition?
    cool story sleepers...

    @queem, in case u have forgotten, i had my clan in top pvp list of this server quite some time, among ooc bmf hb and those french dudes i now forget
    we were and still are a great amount active pvp players. when we where pvping hi didnt even exist keep yr propaganda ******** for yr self and yr pets.
    when me and sun40 declared war to 18 clans within 1 day, u were hidden in yr exp whole. hi didnt even actually exist till selios grp was part of it.
    you want me to name u 1 grp? ok, kardi`s grp. never flagged, never pvp, never appeared anywhere, and joined hi around the time selios and co.
    was in it. do you honestly believe yr clan to be a factor cuz u managed to own a castle after 6 months in server?
    you dare call this thing an active pvp clan that didnt step foot in siege field for 5 months?
    should i remind you the day i personally brought 170 ppl to support you in aden vs ooc? what was yr answer remember???
    "queem bro its useless, they have more healers in cc, than we have members in cc.
    say i m lieing and prove to every1 what you rlly are.
    factor 3 grps clan my ***, back to yr caves.
  11. Patri

    Patri User

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    what about me lol, i cant even participate in the cp`s and untagged parts =(
  12. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    nemesys ur memory is ****, ppl been crying about sproot party since 3rd week of the server... also hi at the beginning had 2 or maybe 3 cp when other clans had way more and they still had orbis and the on lockdown and all the heroes...
  13. Sindeya

    Sindeya User

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    i must dissagree with u on this one... why would you suggest hi only wins if they outnumber enemy? u know it's not true, but actually quite opposite.
  14. Queem

    Queem User

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    just lol'd. do you realy belive in what u write? kardi is leader of holyinqusition clan since the day 1 of server start.2nd we took 5 heroes having 10 noble in clan and 2 cp, against ur top pvp list ally's that had more noble in clan the we actualy had people including all dual boxes and academy member's. and what u espect clan with 14 ppl come for aden siege against 200++ ppl zerg's? :) we were aiming for aden since start and that was only castle we wanted to get. if we just wanted take castle we would go gludio and would take it even with 2 pt we had.so ur flame with castle is kinda ******ed. seilos was actualy 6th cp joined us and most weak one and we took them just to keep archer hero. the reason we did't participate in sieges for long time was, that we actualy did't wanted get something with number's,ask ur friend's sun40 and alarion if it was other way. also as u saw u can defend aden with twice less people then atackers with reinforced door's, so there is 1 more answer why we did't participate in sieges.
    and 1 more thing all that ppl u brought to aden was more useles then 4 pt we had there from hi, dunno about number's, but was't even 10 party i think. also telling that kardi's group never flaged is just lol, it's hard to flag when enemy instant pr from you, only pt's trying fight kardi group was alarion/sun40/screamforme. anyway it dos't matter, u change topic from where it was and bringing something from ur "own world information"
    and still i can't get answer for my question, name me atleast 1 cp of so called ppl who were exping untaged to 97. please.
  15. NemesysX

    NemesysX User

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    should i start loling or u got more ******** to say ? wasnt sproot and co in ******** or w/e that bot clan was called?
    didnt u get hero status from back then due to the fact yr clan abused spezion bugg and had 3-4 lvls at least as an advantage?
    do u consider a clan to be factor with 3 grps? aka hi as u just said?
    how to flag on ppl u cant even find?? from hi atm i recognise maybe 40% who dafuq are the rest ? didnt both shadows grp exp in peace till 97-98 and then joined you?
    cuz i didnt even re-declare to them most of the time... u had max 3 grps most of the time in hi, u never participated in open scale pvp, u never steped a foot in siege/tw
    and still claim yr sh1ty newlly created zerg to be a day 1 factor clan.
    cool story.... keep spamming yr idiocracy all over this thread now on yr own, embarassing yr self even more. u wont receive any answers from me, cuz u manage on yr own to be clowned.
    p.s i have 27 grps cc bro, dont even try aden today (c) sagara
    p.s2 pathetic clicker bot came out of the cave...
  16. Queem

    Queem User

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    lold 1 more time. kardi group was in hi since the day 1, 2nd group joined them was my,3rd gorup join them was tazman then alarion then sun40. so yes be more clueless and keep dreaming.
    all the exp got from spezion kardi group had removed, and also they did it before gm told that it is bug, so they just got punished for the reason "crying whole server".
    also i consider clan that keep 60%+ heroes+ all top exp spot's as factor one. also for shadow's clan, we had war's with shadow's but not with you, cause that time they were stronger then your nonfactor clan and u was't even leading it that time.
    we were protecting ooc ward's for very long simple because we were reged for aden all the time, as i told our aim was take aden not just go and take any castle.
    also about hi did't participate in open scale pvp, go look media section and u will find out that there is plenty of hi movies, and even not 1 from ur clan. also read some forum topic's and u will find out "omg it was hi/ooc/hb doing dayly pvp,etc and u will find mentition about ur clan only after hb disbanded and ppl from there joined ur clan" so y more bull**** propaganda.
    also calling me clicker bot, even alarion that see bot's everywhere know that i never use any program or clicker or any such kind thing.
    also 1 more time kardi party never was at ********, holyinqusition clan created 1st day of server and from week 2 or 3 had war's up against all top clan's that could be able give a fight even with 2-3 pt against 1, so the day u got war from hi u can count like u start geting a chance to be a bit factor.
    and 1 more time plz tell me atleast 1 group exping untaged to 97 in holyinqusition clan. untaged i mean clanless or in some 1 pt clan without any war.
  17. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    nemesys you should really have a reality check...
    1. hi got heroes because kardi group was had better levels but not because the spezion bug but because they knew god update better than anyone (this is proven by the fact that even with a 7 day ban and the removal of the exp from the spezions they abused they still where 2 levels higher than anyone else).
    2. if hi was so **** how come the best parties of hb (alarion too) joined them? to emoleave because of heroes.
    3. hi could have got any other castle they wanted even the mighty dion defended by hb but they always tried aden even though they were only 3 groups.
    4. you could find kardi or queem group at orbis and they always pvped if attacked. you should know since you never exped in o2 when they were there.

    hi was a bigger factor with 3 groups than your clan ever was...
  18. Hax

    Hax User

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    wait for it...

    neme u mad bro?
  19. Doomcio

    Doomcio User

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    wondering why lord hax gives to you rights to speak about anything that might be about hi?
    i thought that hi its only kardi cp, and lord hax cp.

    why the hell trash like you dare to speak without privlages from lord hax ?
  20. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    hello hater :)
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