very nice ... now i have a question for administration i have reported 3 bot players before 1 week and i have video of them botting... and now my question is do i need to post you again video or what???
when will exist scammer-hunting???? i have screen of 26 scammer and i want report, but i dont know. please anybody can explainme ? for pm? thanks very much
you need to report it to the gm team will investigate and decide about the ban. regards.
think two times before buying something, scam is a part of this game!!! it's not an exploit...... :/ and if you manage to get scammed it means you are not too smart....or just make decisions too fast
indeed as aelion wrote, scamming is not a bannable act. please take care and check when purchasing items from private store. regards
since i got ban on forum for telling the truth about bots... just check the link and see xd the botter still not banned... they ban me at forum instead of ban botter with 100% proofs.. maybe the botter is gm's char go, go. ban me again for telling the truth xd.
we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and is being archived, as planned. kind regards.