hi i dunnno about u guys, but i really miss any kind of pvp event for lower level chars (by lower level i mean before max). as far as i know all pvp in this game are the oly (high lvl only), the sieges (every 2 weeks) and some territory wars and such (all of them clan events, so without a mayor clan u basically cant pvp). right now, as i can see, before lvl85 all u can do is grind and grind and kill some more mobs, so maybe it would be nice to make something like a tvt, or 2v2 or even 1v1 or whatever (every other mayor mmo has at least some kind of mass pvp). (with lvl ranges, or at least grade ranges (lvl40-51, lvl52-60, etc.))
while levelling from 1-20 i made 25 pvp points on my dwarf, make sure u are flagged all the time and you will have no problems with pvp.
i think the tvt event will be nice. that event can give us some rest from lvling and killing mobs 24h on day
join a clan, give war--> gang people is not hard... there are lots of farm areas if u stay in town and/or clanless u won`t see any pvp, don`t need any event to kill people
for example, ill join a clan, give a war. im around lvl 60. a player who is around 85 will easily kill me, it will be so much fun. you completely dont understand anything about why this topic started. its about pvp at lower levels. as you can read, we dont want to stay in town, we want to pvp in a battleground or something but there is no pvp content before lvl 85. we need lvl range based pvp grounds or something like olympiad games before high lvls. i hope you understand if my clan gives a war to another one, and im lvl 60, i wont be able to raise lvls at hunting grounds, and yes there will be ganging, they will gang me. its not about we want to stay on lvl60, we just sometimes want to do something, something else then lvling. solutions are events or battlegrounds. these contents are missing from this game.
agree with dilergore, low lvl can have a problems with clan wars and ganking other, much ppl have 85lvl. now im only 42, and think, what can i do when ~60lvl attack me when i have a clan war with him? nothing and he/she pvp +1. i know that ppl is shameless and they will have fun with killing low lvl. @patriotazx ohh my bad, dont search too much ;p
the topic is about lower lvl pvp content, not about grinding to 85 and then pvp but thx the advice anyway. lol
again agree with dilergore, we talking about lower lvls, we too want to have some nice pvp w/o grinding to 85 lvl
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