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innova vs ncsoft

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by antalj, Dec 2, 2011.

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  1. MoonWa1ker

    MoonWa1ker User

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    oh ma gad!
    innova > ncwest
  2. Phil

    Phil User

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    +100500 :d
  3. Summer_Rous

    Summer_Rous User

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    guys, let them, i believe they haven't decided yet where to play.
  4. Duras

    Duras User

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    yup as a player that decided to come back to l2 after many years ofc i am undecided.
    and there are a lot out there like me.
    trust me i read forums every day both ncw and innova and so far ill go 60% to 40% for innova. (i also play on both).
    thats cuz here is 0 lag and you can start from 0.
    i just hope the server is gonna be ok with nice community and the devs will give us players the support we need.
  5. Torgar

    Torgar User

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    xaxaxaxa! :p
  6. VoidStar

    VoidStar User

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    damn..i wanna play on the live server not troll on forum xddddd
    1 week away
  7. RapidBlades

    RapidBlades User

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    well, i guess you also didn't watch the innova item shop.
    premium account another thing what is not a fair thing.
    here you can see some video how danieldefo pvping with his bankcard on the innova ru:

    also it is a garbage, what the innova made with the eu forum and with the eu beta.

    i did read different forums, and i saw every where, that ncwest is good, innova was useless.

    eu players just come and come to ncwest and ask them to open new eu servers. also to take back the servers to europe and break up the agreement with the innova. also, this game is about the business, so if the ncwest/ncsoft will see really this what the players want, than they will break up the agreement with innova.
    they also broke it up with the iam interactive.

    but, yes in promotion in the last years innova was better it is fact.
    innova was also good provider in the first 1-2 years but nowadays...
    i also was curious about the european service of innova, but after to see, that the forum is fail the beta is a fail, i did understand ncwest is way better! first of all now, that the nckorea control it from korea by this way the ncwest got higher priority faster translations, faster and better bug repair etc.

    i also respect the innova, they made and make a good run for the lineage 2 in russia. but musn't forget, that they provide the game for free since 4 years in russia, east-europe and in the turan region. so under 4 years 14 servers with f2p not a big deal.

    also everyone can cheat next to frost if he want. i from hungary and also saw some hungarian forums where you can get how use bot and rangers next to frost.
    also from hungary i experienced, that i have bigger lagg on cadmus, airin servers as on the european server now, what was moved to texas.

    but the history close to repeat itself. from ncwest arrived to l2.eu those european trash talker which was hated by the all community and kept them to joke and clowns.
    example here is m..m.. she always cry and cried about the cheaters, while she got permanent bann too for breaking the rules. now she recruit to her clans some "matures" (peoples who money on their credit card:d)
    but the most of cheater went to innova too from ncwest who got permament bann at ncwest for botting, adena selling, bug using. but yes the innova recruit these peoples.
    seems now this group was expanded with some "i know everything" private server players.

    i say it to those who are new or played on private and now plan start playing on official.

    i'm with the lineage 2, so to me secondary who providing the game. i didn't have problem the innova i trusted in them (russian peoples told "it is bad idea, they will fail). but my russian friends had right.

    viviana you can provoke the ncsoft but without ncsoft you never could or will can play lineage 2. so if you have problem with the ncsoft, go and play with barbie dolls.
  8. Vivinia

    Vivinia User

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    another one, you're getting boring. check other topics about comparing both item shop.
    i've played on both ncwest and innova servers, so i compare how it looks like and even without item shop i disliked ncwest with how they allowed bots to roam around the servers and players to use zranger and other crappy programs that destroy pvp. innova at least tries to fight them and a lot of players are getting banned pretty fast.

    about items shop, let me copy another post of mine, from other topic:

    and do tell me again, that ncwest shop is fine.

    innova isn't perfect, but at least they try to make the servers work great and few days ago they opened 14th (there were 9 at the start) server, each one of them got steady online of 3-4k players. and how does ncwest looks like? 10+ server at the start and they were left with two. if not god and 'stealing' f2p model from innova then they would die in few months, the online was already below 2k on chronos and 1k on naia.

    if you dislike innova so much, then why did you bother to create an account here and post your propaganda about ncwest? a lof of players here know how it looks like there and how they don't give a **** about players. you can tell all the lies you want, most of them will stay here and have fun.

    and another thing, lineage 2 was created in korea and ncwest is just an company created for europe and americas population - look what they made with it. few years ago, nckorea sold the rights to innova, so they could open servers in russia and they made profits, while ncwest was still failing. now nckorea expanded innova rights to whole europe and what did ncwest do? copied f2p model from innova, hoping that it will work for them too. instead they added op stuff to item shop, which will destroy the servers in usa even faster.

    so go back to your dead ncwest and leave us alone, we won't miss you and your words full of lies. we know ncwest, we've been there and we won't go back to those greedy lazy liars.
  9. Duras

    Duras User

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    @ rapidblades:
    i also read different forums and a lot of ppl complained about ncw services in all the years they played l2.
    i am repeating myself again: there is a difference in lag issue between ncw and inova - innova has no lags since they opened the pts, ncw has them even if the lag is acceptable eu ppl will cry on sieges. (i am usig leatrix thing and play from eu).
    both opened servers with f2p system for money, its a freakin bizness not charity isnt it?
  10. EboLLa

    EboLLa User

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    @vivinia innova was free 2 play from beginning ncwest wasn't ... you can't compare like this. ofcourse people go where is free instead of paying 14 euros/month. think if it was free 2 play from the beginning....
  11. Cassie

    Cassie User

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    ncwest didn't lose non russian players cuz they went to ru servers. so, if ncwest saw the improvement of this new model, why haven't they changed before? i'm pretty sure there is not that much exncwest players at innova, don't think too much ppl outside russia know russian.
  12. Vivinia

    Vivinia User

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    we will see in two months how ncwest managed to keep their player base after going f2p and opening item shop. don't forget how the ncwest support didn't cared about players (with replying after few weeks for example) and allowed tons of botters to play on the server without any problems - you really think they will care now, after players stopped paying subscriptions?
    most of europeans players won't go back there, why? mostly because of the lags and latency problems as duras mentioned few minutes ago.

    further more, from all those 14 server only 2-3 are populated by international community and even there they're minority, so stop saying that a lot of players escaped from ncwest to go there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2011
  13. EboLLa

    EboLLa User

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    well i currently play on ncwest shilen and there are 5k+ players and i'm from romania and i dont have lag at all. don't get me wrong i still think (to choose) where to play... at least now when im at the beginning with the level etc. i heard innova didn't care about its players also and that some servers have lag too... anyway alot of people talk the best thing is to check for yourself. i mean check both ncwest and innova and get the conclusion yourself. thats what i will do ;) cheers
  14. Duras

    Duras User

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    well if you're ok with waking up at 3-4 am and go to sieges thats ok :)) (im from ro also).
    the latency doesnt affect you on pve but you saw that in the crowded towns you have it just like you will have it on sieges cuz of the amount of ppl.
    so far here is a smooth gameplay, im curiuos when it will be heavy how its gonna be.
    this is just my opinion after playing on both servers.
    so far so good.
  15. sh1ny

    sh1ny User

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    reality check : people with fat credit cards always won in l2. how is the innova servers situation different ?
  16. RapidBlades

    RapidBlades User

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    i also tried the ncwest and innova too. anyway now i didn't judge nobody.

    yes, vivinia as ebolla told before me. innova was free from the first time and yes, that is lured away a lots of russians from ncwest. this was the reason while started decreased the population at first at the ncwest, because the number of russians was huge, so clans, alliances disbanded or merged after that for different qq reasons another players has started quited too (like my clan not enough online, not have enough enemy etc.)

    ncwest didn't steal the business model from innova they just improved their system how it is better to market (many another mmo became to f2p).

    i not say, that ncwest perfect, because they made many fails too. but they become better and better, while the innova service quality is worse and worse.

    it is sure, that not one player want now test on live the innova servers who played before on nc servers, but it is far not sure, that everybody will stay at the innova.

    i not make propaganda to ncwest, but i hardly cheated in the innova now and i'm angry to them. i did plan, that maybe i will play here, but all in one the innova not better than ncwest.

    to judge the item shop of ncwest after 2 days is a madness vivinia, innova just deleted some stuffs from their item shop after 4 years, so with your words just confirm, that the ncwest item shop is better, they also told if players will feel any item can be unfair in the game, they will remove it or add to it something what they would like.

    also ncwest was always easier in the target if they made any fail, because they are a global community, while the innova just a provider in russia most of their fails not release at world wide so the players know about their fails less.

    but what is the sad, that we lineage 2 players shouting with each other and try judge the another community and provider.

    so i just try defend the ncwest from those attack what aren't right and tell to peoples here, that if innova not the worst provider too, but not better than ncwest.

    but i guess, this provocation from both side will continue sadly and earlier or later, they innova and ncsoft will join to this battle. but, than somebody will have bad days, innova can loose first of all in this battle, because the owner of lineage 2 is the ncsoft. but those players can be hurt in this battle who play or will play on innova servers in eu and ru, if the two company will fight.
  17. RapidBlades

    RapidBlades User

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    they can open eu time zone servers and if necessary let the europeans who started on new us time zone servers transfer to there for free and problem will be solved.
  18. FighterBoss

    FighterBoss User

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    they won't ! why the hell innova is here do you think ?
    for eu players.

    it's so facking simple.

    eu players will be at innova(or supposed to)
    na players will be at ncwest.

    now if a eu player want to play at ncwest,it's his facking choice,even if i don't agree with it.
  19. Duras

    Duras User

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    true that.
    if it wasnt, than ncw would've opened another eu server when naia went heavy.
  20. Aaliyah

    Aaliyah User

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    you can have either from enchanter buff or from hat....its just for leveling... lol
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