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'You are currently logging in' issue

Discussion in 'Technical Issues (Archive)' started by Nemezida, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Nemezida

    Nemezida User

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    dear players,

    there is a common issue for many of you ‘you are currently logging in’.
    at the moment we are working on this problem to make a game process more comfortable for you.

    if you faced such problem please perform the following actions to be able to play:
    close the game window, log out at eu.4game.com, find 4game icon in the tray, rightclick it and select exit. after that login at eu.4game.com once more time

    but we would really appreciate if you helped us to gather as much information as possible about the reasons of these incidents.
    please provide us with the following information:

    1. did you do anything that could lead to this message?
    2. how often do you see ‘you are currently logging in’ on your screen?

    also we’d like to ask you to send me via private message results of several network connection tests:
    3. make testconnect_geo test.
    - download archive with .bat file attached below
    - create a new folder on your desktop and name it ‘tectconnecteu’
    - extract the .bat file to the new folder and run it by double clicking. please wait for some time until the finish of the test.
    - after that a new folder named log including .txt file will be created in ‘tectconnecteu’ folder. send this file please
    this file will contain the information about your ipconfig, trace path to geo.l2.eu, response time from geo.l2.eu
    4. perform winmtr test. to do it please download this tool from attachments.
    - download winmtr
    - run winmtr tool (you can find it in attachments)
    - type 'geo.l2.eu' in the ‘host’ field
    - click start button
    - then launch the game
    - even if you have a message ‘you are currently logging in’ please let winmtr work
    - click stop in 30 minutes. make a screenshot and send me the received data
    5. test your connection via pingplotter (you can find the tool in attachments).
    - download pingplotter
    - run pingplotter tool
    - type in the ‘address to trace’ field ‘geo.l2.eu’, press enter
    - maximise the window to the full screen
    - double click all nods of the trace path you will see at the bottom of the window. after that you will see graphics for every nod in the main part of the window
    - then launch the game
    - let pingplotter work for 30 minutes at least. after that click file and select export to text file. also save the data as an image (file->save image). send the saved files
    status: data capture


    sincerely, nemezida

    Attached Files:

  2. LoKii

    LoKii User

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    everything was fine until this morning...

    i keep getting stuck at the 'you are currently logging in' screen, and it doesnt continue from there on. i have tried your suggestions above several times (including rebooting the pc) but still no luck.....

    any help would be deeply appreciated.


    //edit: my girlfriend on her laptop has the same issue as of this morning.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2012
  3. Kall

    Kall User

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    please read annocments. we have today maintenance. it's ends at 10am gmt

  4. LoKii

    LoKii User

    Likes Received:
    yeah, the site was in maintenance mode. after it came back, i thought server was ok again. will wait until 10am gmt time (i think its 12 for gmt+2).

    thx for reply kall
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