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PREMIUM account details - WHAT YOU CAN GET WHIT PA????

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Shockwave, Dec 3, 2011.

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  1. yodaime

    yodaime User

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    are you talking out of your *** or you are just so dumb that even after researching you are still capable of spouting such ****?

    clearly waste of time to argue with you, but if you are smart enough to talk **** about innova, tell me how you expect them to run the server without subscriptions, premium accounts and l2store ? not like anyone ever donates without getting something in return.
  2. noisy43

    noisy43 User

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    you can't argue with people 'cos you are ignorant ****.
    do you have any idea what i'm talking about?
    did you read any of my posts except last one?
    do you have your cc ready?
  3. yodaime

    yodaime User

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    you keep spouting **** while you didn't answer my question, which leads me to think that you are ignorant and just whine for the sake of it.
  4. SilverShine

    SilverShine User

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    are you ******ed ? have you heard of l2extreme ? l2 paradise ? l2 revenge ?

    il give you a quick recap on how l2extreme worked

    l2 extreme was the first private server out there - stole the c1 server code (that was supposedly leaked) from ncsoft and ran a multimilion dollar business

    l2extreme owner know as shmee got cought after some 3 - 4 years and sent to jail -

    ncsoft estimated a loss of over 52 million $$ to l2extreme in little over 3 - yes 3 (three) years !

    the fbi(who raided the place) estimated that shmee (the owner) made over 12 milion dollar $$ in profit for his own.

    he did have some 4 servers all at the time full with 4k~5k cap.

    shall we discuss the other 2 servers iv mentioned here? ;

    none of the above used subscriptions - none - they used simple donote for item x ... etc.

    stop beeing ******ed and think.

    this bust was soo big - that ncsoft posted a news article on their main website back then.

    http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/5184 <- quick proof.
  5. noisy43

    noisy43 User

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    you didn't asked any valid questions. unless you think that calling people dumb is a question.
  6. yodaime

    yodaime User

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    ok let me ask you following questions.

    [spamming, flaming, trolling]

    item shop or pa is way less overpowered than donation for items.

    do you want them to put donation for r sets and overenchanted gear? be my guest ! i will enjoy 1 shotting idiots like you so you can keep on crying.

    what i said is that there's no way of running a server without earning money and trust me innova item shop + pa is way better than any private server's donation ever was, as there's no single admin that will resist giving you epics or whatever you wish if you offer him $1000+.

    i much rather have people with x2 exp and some other little boosts than some people just donating max gear because admin is a greedy pig.

    if you still keep on whining, it simply means you are clueless and should just kill yourself for good of humanity.

    i actually asked a question, which was: how do you expect a company to run a server without any form of income ? how are they suppose to pay for employees, machines, license to distribute game on eu territory and so on ? please enlighten us !
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2011
  7. Nodas

    Nodas User

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    uhh sorry for double post :) :eek:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2011
  8. Nodas

    Nodas User

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    dont worry about this , noisy43 is too young to understand that !
  9. SilverShine

    SilverShine User

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    my point was - but see here you gotta use your brain to ... think ?

    for donating items you do it once ,
    for subscriptions , well its a ... subscription ?
    you pay multiple 'items' every month ?
    it doesnt matter if its an item or not - it all comes down to money - thats what they want.
    again , an item youl buy once , subscriptions just keep-on-comming.

    it doesnt mater if its r95 or enchant weapon a blessed
    its still an item that you shouldnt be getting normaly <- ok thats fine -couse its 'free'
    but wait - theres subscriptions !

    but then again your more like :

  10. hedjaz

    hedjaz User

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    as delios kindly mentioned in a previous post in another topic :
    - the "special area"is just an instance zone filled with crappy mobs that can give u shots and lifestones , and rarely enchant scrolls , thats all you can get nothing else;
    - for other items that u can buy using premium accounts u can check the ingame shop if that will be officialy used for live server ? can any1 confirm this

    also o totally agree with premium accounts ; i don`t agree with subcription , but i agree having options ; i myself will buy 3 or 4 pas for me and some friends , and if we will have the 32 $ for 6 months ill use that and get it ; , it's not p2w it's about eliminating the grind till 85 and allowing us to enjoy the endgame faster ; there aren`t any other advantages , just faster xp ;

    comparing this to ncna it's much better ; how many of you played there? it's a community full of bots , and cheaters ; the staff is not helpfull at all ;
    and the have fuing weeper weapons elemented as donations !!!!!!!!!!!!
    i'm not trying to convince you to play here , but most ppl that experienced ncna would give a shot to innova instead of allowing themselves to be served the same **** all over again.

    however most ppl here clearly don't read other topics about pa's , and need to calm down ; also the older people that play this game fore years now stop trolling this poor players ; you only hurt this community; we want as many peoplehere at start as we can get !!!! pls try to understand that , clan leaders should do smth and stop the members from acting like a bunch of teenagers.
  11. yodaime

    yodaime User

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    the point is that the servers are suppose to be running for months, hell, years.

    if you would pay only single time, how is the company suppose to keep servers up over the long time span?

    unless you are satisfied with servers going down after 2 or 3 months because no one donates any more and they ran out of money.))

    this "premium account + gamestore" business model is very efficient and user friendly, the innova one doesn't give direct power, just makes gaming more efficient. take a look at l2store on ncsoft servers, you can buy for example this:
    and other madly overpowered buffs.

    is that what you would prefer ? where you can donate for stuff that give you direct power ? i recommend going to some random high rate private server in that case, as no one who enjoys playing real lineage 2 would enjoy that.

    also it's your choice if you get premium account or not, it gives some advantages but it doesn't give direct power, you can just play twice as more as someone with premium account and you will get ahead of him.
  12. Aru..

    Aru.. User

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    moving to nc betterthanthishit west :d
  13. ToXine

    ToXine User

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    shop looks pretty fine anyway retail players payed something like 12$ so i think lot of them doen t care about giving 10$ by months that make the server live.
  14. KramerMcBarett

    KramerMcBarett User

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    the only thing which could make me purchase something on their $$shop is the payment method. if there is no paypal or moneybookers, no money from me! they can sell super premium gold accounts of the dead with xp/loot x30 or anything else, i don't care.
  15. SilverShine

    SilverShine User

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    you need to growup and watch more private servers
    read my first post on this again , they make milions milions of just 1-time-donate items

    if 1 unknown private server can make so much with buggy stuff not working - crashing - stuff in 3 years ...

    you sir are a young kid and you need to learn how these things work before opening your mouth.
    do you think that those 1000+ more private servers out there - pay from their own pockets the bandwith ?
    do you know how much it costs to host a server ?
    and yet they survive for years - years ...
    how do they do that ? with just 1-time-pay ?

    answer (couse you need it)

    the world is bigger then you think son, theres alot of people comming and going - alot by the milions.
  16. noisy43

    noisy43 User

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    fight for unique items in special zone < this. it's not f2p, it's called freemium.

    and you will be the first one to buy that "god mode coin for only 1000€". you just say'd that.

    so, they will get money from pa.
    there is item shop full of stuff like escape scrolls, enchant scrolls, shots, xp and sp boosters, runes for reducing penalty to gear rank, transformation scrolls, hats, masks, agathions, pets, additional tickets to kamaloka, buffs, changing colors of title, items for increasing your weight limit and even some instant hp and cp potions (just like in ncwest servers with one little difference. they dont heal you full but only 870hp with 1sec reuse time).
    with hp/cp potions it's not f2p it's p2w.
    and i'm sure that when you, and others like you, start paying for those potions and stuff, they will introduce us with "god mode item" 'cos they can and people will buy it.

  17. hedjaz

    hedjaz User

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    i hope here in europe people can get banned for stupidity
  18. MonoLOL

    MonoLOL User

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    tl;dr - it aint pay 2 win.

    i honestly can't see where all this pathetic agression about pa is coming from. if you ever played l2off or any other mmo for that matter you've paid a monthly subscription, innova are just giving people who are willing to keep paying that subscription something in return for it, i had this "argument" earlier today with a friend and he was complaining it was pay2win, its not, it never will be in this case.

    as long as **** like boss jewels and r-grade gear is never available from some form of shop or donation, this game is not pay2win, if you think otherwise, please kindly eat a .45.

    love and kisses,

  19. noisy43

    noisy43 User

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    actually, you can't know that.
  20. yodaime

    yodaime User

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    drug dealers make tons of money so what ?

    do you even have any idea how much innova pays for license to be able to distribute l2 in eu territory ? if you don't then remain silent

    private servers wipe all the time, that's how they survive, because they open a fresh server every 2 months and people donate again, if you enjoy server hopping then seriously, retail is not a good place for you.

    also machine for private server is what ? 200-300 euro per month ? anyone can afford that. the problem is that a legitimate company needs to employ people, for customer support, for fixing bugs and other issues, while to run a private server 1 or 2 amateurs are enough - no one expects flawless gameplay from a priv server anyway.


    if you actually did a correct research instead of whining, you'd find out that rim kamaloka rewards are very far from "god mode coin", when i played ruoff i barely even done it since it wasn't that great unless you were a tank.
    all the other stuff are very slight advantages compared to majority of private servers, hell, even ncsoft offers.

    or you prefer a buff that boosts your p atk, crit rate, crit dmg by 50% for 30 seconds in shop ? or you just want people to be able to donate for lvl 99 char in full max gear +10 and full epics ?

    you sound as if that's what you are looking for.

    premium account + l2store system is perfectly fine, if you disagree it means all you ever played were l2 priv servers and you never even touched other mmorpg games.
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