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Core Situation

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Duras, Mar 15, 2012.

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  1. Fenris

    Fenris User

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    hmmm for randoms like u ye shure u dont have tw / u dont have sieges - wana have war ? so give war to some alive clans - but w8 u propably hold ur strawberries and u are to scared to do that - u prefer whine about - no wars - pvp.

    i have pvp each day - on last tw i made quest not by farm and killing some boxed chars i made it by trying to take wards and for me it was fun. same on siege - oren was fun (maybe not a lot of ppl but we had a good time there pvp all time) - next was defence on schuttgart - boring fame farming :p but i know there was a lot of pvp at goddart.
    server is not dead i think it have even more players than naia atm - from where i know that ? i played on naia for few years + i still got some chars/friends there and i know that 70% of those server population is boting.
    so i prefer play with even 1k ppl which are alive than with 6k bots.
    l2 wont die believe me - some of u are saying that diablo iii and gw 2 will take ppl from l2... i say bulls1t - ye maybe at start this will take osme players but believe me they will come back + if there will be events + discounts on pa/l2store there will be players here.

    so stop crying like pinapples and if u dont like it go play sims or other sh1ty games - stop trolling and making bad pr.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2012
  2. kleming

    kleming User

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    bmf core were like 5/6 partys from older servers, 3 of them go to aion free includin ares one, the others joined hb/ooc, and they fail? no, they quit to play another game, because failing with lower items/lvl ownd server so its boring, hi and hb buggers did anything against ooc/bmf

    ADMIRAL User

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    haha that made my day. ofc - every1 wanna be top 1. splendid !
  4. DivineEternity

    DivineEternity User

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    i read all the posts and i see a lot opinions some good some bad and some tries to insult some players because some persons with pa they afraid the fact that maybe server close because of inactivity...
    but the truth is this...
    the players write on forum that the new update will be catastrophic for the activity of server and bring unbalance and they have right and the proof is the activity of server after the update the server remains light and not heavy like past days and i don't think so so many people to remember suddenly their life or jobs...
    the new update make a life for a new player extremely hard without any logical reason and the life of players 85+ a much more hard because the prices hit the sky,the armors get 100-150% and a few materials now they cost a fortune....
    the new update does not bring some difficulty to 90+ chars cause all have seraphim or twilight armors and good weapons and they can farm armors,materials and parts for r-grade equipment...
    and the problem is right there,most of high level players they sell in every price they want and ignoring the most important think,the parties is few if you have a c.p. easily you can see it because you can exp or farm in any place you want...

    so some people don't insult others with the child excuses like propaganda from ncsoft west or with the excuse that they want the end of server...
    someone say that the aden is full of people and he lags much more,i agree only if you want only for the spot near kartia researcher because near gatekeeper the lag disappear,soa,gog low and upper,harnak,fog,woa make a walk and you see the activity and the parties where used to see and if you see more than a 2 party i scream in my balcony that i'm jesus...
    you forgot some of you that lineage is a 10 years old game and some players they can't play like 10 years before and some new players they don't want to waste they're time to a server with almost dead economy and activity...
    some of you especially people with pa you can't even think that the money you gave to fix your char gonna waste like your time but before you open your mouth's think,think the fact that you wear r-95 or r-99 equip and for some others is hard to wear even immortal armor,and this does not make you imba and the others cry noobies,some players play full solo without company or clan or they can't give money to buy premium account...

    this my opinion by what i see,and my experience in american official and a bunch of free servers it say that if the thinks where not gonna change then the results will be unpleasant for all of us...
    greetings to all and sorry if my english is not very good...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2012
  5. MaT®¢̪̀̅●x

    MaT®¢̪̀̅●x User

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    just a matter of some brain. for example u can get easy r95 set by just colecting seeds in soa and selling full crystals (2-3 days of nolife) thats all.
  6. DivineEternity

    DivineEternity User

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    + a matter of brain because someone who has easily can see that this quest is simple if you have othell or iss... ;)
  7. TheFremenTank

    TheFremenTank User

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    ermm ... you missed underline option. deffinitely. :p

    imho - spots are not crowded like before, because the game is heavily based on instances/dailies at the moment (especially in comparison to all earlier chronicles, and so on). if people are doing instanes - don't be surprised that you don't see them. :p about one month ago i had to grind, grind, grind as a madman. right now i've got only time to do daily instances/quests, not even an hour for grinding left ... and even if i would have time to grind for an hour or so - i would simply spend that time pvping.
  8. DivineEternity

    DivineEternity User

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    i agree fremen that the game based more on instances but i look and the server activity and i mean heavy-light,most of them they starting to quit and i say this because i see many people to sell they characters...
    they sell aeore and sigels 87+ :/
  9. MinDiuse

    MinDiuse User

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    about the economy - before the update twilight recepy + mold = 115kk + parts ~ 130kk now u cant get recepy molds parts from quest and the materials cost ~87kk so from which part the update ruined the economy? they just made an update where you have to craft items so that dorfs would get some craftint and there would be more blessed/full items in server . and about activity - majoritu of people after 90+ goes instance + instance + instance + instance then daily q takes ~1h max then go to lvl up subs until instance reuse so you won't meet them in high lvl hunting spots + people went to test tera but tera is only pve game so all l2 tipe pvp players will go back :) and trust me every normal player who played ainion and l2 comes back to l2 because half of my clan played aion in its the same as playing l2 faction server .
  10. DivineEternity

    DivineEternity User

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    min it's not only recipe and molds it's and the materials like itenium temper,durandil temper,ertel and dark ion to craft an armor you must have much of these and they're price now is high..
    for example a friend who wants to craft a tw bp pay 10kk for 35 ertel and if i'm right,if i'm not corect me please,the tw recipe and parts quests is for characters 90+ and you must prepare and for fail if you try to craft :/
    tera we all now that is the lineage 3 stolen project it's very good but as you say pve don't excite people and if you want my opinion about aion??
    all my old classmates from american official they play a week in aion and then return to l2 cause aion is good game but full of quests and less pvp..
  11. Brume

    Brume User

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    problem is peoples don't understand that and put items at undecent prices. this flood the ah for unsellable items due to price way too high. the economy is balanced with a money sink for old servers but peoples can't face they're not on an old 4 or 5 years server with migration option and haven't find anything better than putting price at same level they are on nc server then came complaint on those forums.
    yet another problem is about rushers. ok they deserve their lvls and some of their items (not all, because there is exceptions i will not tell there) but they've also make the game further into trying to have money things. but hey peoples that i'll call the "leet" go down, face it, if you continue to act like this, neutral/newcomers players will not continue to play. you'll effectivelly "win" the server and the game, and when you "win" a game (any games, included mmo) they is no more reason to play. innova can shut down the server, game will be over (and you will not have a nice credit page with some animations on l2, it's not like final fantasy.)
  12. DivineEternity

    DivineEternity User

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    +1 you have absolutely right especially in the beginning,that was i mean that high players place an item with every price they want...
    and the other things about pa and fast xp chars...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2012
  13. vvvlm

    vvvlm User

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    1+ month ago tw tunic price was smth around 250kk, now it's ~150kk. price got higher since update that's for sure, but it's still pretty easy to get twilight.. you collect attrib cry in soa for 1 day and done.

    ppl wouldnt make such price if noone were willing to pay.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2012
  14. DivineEternity

    DivineEternity User

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    vv it's not so easy,maybe before update was but now it's not because the price of stones and crystals dropped...
    tunic only because the tw bp before update costs 220-240kk and now the cheaper is 240kk...
    the problem with the activity is simple...
    low activity = less parties = less drops = less money :/
  15. MinDiuse

    MinDiuse User

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    you see now you can buy apocalypse avanger for 55kk and 11kk :d those for 55kk are put after update so it takes ~7 days for auction to finish and reput them for a nomal price so after ~10 days of update prices will be the same or even lover than before :)
  16. Patri

    Patri User

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    i agree with min; before update apo weapons cost: 9/10/11/12 kk, after update cheapest apo weapon it was 28kk and today that weapon is 23kk and will go cheap and cheap cuz prices competitions.

    server is dead; thats not true, is just me or another ppl trolling, that happens with all the server some ppl go another games, they get job, life, kids, etc. but more soon than later they will come back, about iss enchanters dont sell buff anymore.. server is dead: is an excuse that "imba" clans use when they lost castles, wards, of fights. come on ppl iss were selling buff to get money in the first days when a lot of ppl were low lvl and they didnt have own iss... now the only low lvl ppl is the ones that have subclass and they have an iss on their clan to buff them, or maybe dual box iss, a girlfriend iss, best friend iss.... so no point to go and buy buff, enchanters got tired already to sell buff and only get 2/3 ppls in pt and waste their time and mp.

    about the activity in zones like; soa, gog, harnak, etc. omg ppl after u reach 90 lvl ppl only go soa, for daily and sometimes they dont even go, gog for daily quest also, harnak to gang 85-89 ppl, what i mean is after 90 ppl only go rbs and instances of their lvl and that is enough to take more than 10% per day.

    everthing is about rumors, if u atack with mass rumor server is dead, ppl will believe it and they will create a chaos.
  17. Brume

    Brume User

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    hi, wanna be my girlfriend iss ? :>
  18. MadTroll

    MadTroll User

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    good girl patri
  19. Lekabel

    Lekabel User

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  20. Warzone

    Warzone User

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    its all about the pvp,start to pvp and server will be alive for you,continue to grind mobs and play carebear style gathering sets blah blah blah and you will get bored and emoquit as a random,as simple as that.
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