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DeepBlue, can you explain me that?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by DavidinoX, Mar 29, 2012.

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  1. Etherial

    Etherial User

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    why u compare ncwest with innova at events?
    yes ncwest had harmony event and we didnt. on the other hand we had alphabet event and ncsoft didnt.
    different companies, different events.
  2. TeMePyT

    TeMePyT User

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    well they have event after event after event... and we have 1 in few months, not even easter event wtf(i`m not talking bout the 1day egg in our wares, this is not event!)? every single game had event for it. and why is it so hard to make something custom like ncwest did to give the mentee certificate? link db to the web page and every char that reach 40 can click da button? even private servers have such options on their web pages. i srsly doubt they`re even working on it as they said they have to deside if it`ll be implemented at all before. what is the server population atm? core i mean. 1.5-2k in rush hour? even less may be. there`s bunch of private servers with bigger community than our "official" server. u wanna know why? cos its official only on papers, in fact is like random private server. innova are not trying to keep players here, they`re not even trying to attract new ones. cant make a proper looking web page with more than 2 buttons 5 months? players made whole databases with tons of info for less time. they show us some efforts and in week or 2 their activity is back to 0. i can keep talking about what innova are not doing, but what`s the point? nothing will change. i`m just waiting for my old sweet l2j server to release god and i`m back to it. this thing here sux hard srsly, i`m rly dissapointed.
  3. Etherial

    Etherial User

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    don't forget that ncwest has been running for 10 years, innova for 5 months so keep your expectactions up to real standards.
    innova is working on the mentoring system, but as we said many times, everything we (players/mods) propose to innova, are taken into consideration and also have to be approved by ncsoft headquarters. don't you think innova wanna add the feature to please players, and bring more? i do cause i think innova don't have anything to lose from implementing it, only to gain.
    also there are more things to come, to cover the rest of your message, unfortunately i can't reveal any info only thing i can say is that innova is working.
    ps: i am saying all the abose, as a mod and as a player, cause as all of our players wanna see better server, so do i.
  4. Kpoku

    Kpoku User

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    so you telling me that you pay to ncsoft and they dont do nothing and you pay to your programers and they do notihng, they pay for web site and still nothing ???? wow i wont to work for innova to :)
    and you say that ncwest is running 10 years and you only 5 mounts , strange they cant do nothing like you and still their servers work better why ? i dont think that this is the 10 years expiriance that they have , for the most ppl hire is the lazy ppl who are working for innova !!!
  5. Etherial

    Etherial User

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    first of all i am not innova staff, i say my opinion. second i see many users complaining about mentor and how ncwest have certificate. ncwest had months to prepare for god and added custom way for certificate, not official one, cause in korea path don't exist. innova on the other had was launched in god , and is working with ncsoft to implement the feature. noone said mentor won't be implemented, i only try to explain why isn't implemented yet
  6. Kpoku

    Kpoku User

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    and still innova paying money to ncsoft for something and didnt get it ... or paying to thier stuff and didnt get it this i cant understand . probably you know why ppl join this "offi" server and the other offi servers , couse they know that everything must work or it will be working soon , and still hire has thing that dosent work from the start :( , and a lots of ppl leve the server ... and i dont want this couse i like the server i dont care about the menroring sistem and a lots of other stafs i want only ehen i come back from work to spere 2-3 hours , but if this continue soon i must go to some l2j server couse hire will not have ppl :(
  7. Gilby

    Gilby User

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    soonâ„¢ :d
    /10 chars.

    innova is a pioneer of the russian online entertainment industry. founded in 2006.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2012
  8. NoLimits

    NoLimits User

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    etherial, deepblue, can you please explain me something?
    on 1 side you are saying "we just propose stuff to koreans and they decide" but when someone ask you why ncwest have it, you say "its their custom stuff".

    so they can do custom stuff and you cant? why you cant make simple custom npc which give 40+ ppl mentee scroll? or every maitenance put mentee scroll to wh of those who dont have it yet and reached 40 lvl? or some other custom solution?
  9. MiuMiu

    MiuMiu User

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    people that wasn't play at ncwest before god appear dont know how bad ncwest was .. i was playing at ncwest from open beta and believe me it was terrible ..

    1st to mention about bots there .. back in time when catacombs was there all rooms was full of bot groups . when you pk them (easier to burn karma back then) the bot owners (the big clans) logging in and killing you before you burn your karma :) ..

    2nd the support there is 1000 time above bad .. i was hacked when they stole their database back in c4 they took everything i had and i god my account after 6 months even if i send them all the info from day 0 ..

    3rd at ncwest they was doing an event once per 6-7 months .. now that they have competition they are doing more often but they are doing the events that they already did at the past .. so the event you see there is already made in past .. they just enable them ..

    4th about their web page .. he havent seen an update at their web page from c4 to god :) .. they hire like 10-15 web designers so they will have the web page ready for god .

    there is was more to mention about ncwest .. if you stay here you will see many changes in the close future .. innova is doing their best for many good things just wait for them :)

    it's easy to make custom stuff like you say but you cant do it because of the contract .. everything must be asked from nc headquarters and then their developers make it for you check it if it is ok , if they like it and then they will send you the patch with your addition or not ..
  10. Gilby

    Gilby User

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    i dont see anything wrong with that :d enable tersi's light event that was by far best event :d
  11. Framb0ise

    Framb0ise User

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    moderator flaming ncwest, where are we going ?
  12. NoLimits

    NoLimits User

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    well, than you should upgrade your contract to give you more priviledges or negotiate direct forum chanell to koreans so ppl can push them to do something.
    if you cant find/communicate solution for such keystone feature as mentoring in 5 months than something is pretty bad.
    atm i see situation this way:
    -most of active population is here from launch.
    -most of them are 85+ so mentoring is already useless for them in case of xp boost.
    -not many new players comming, and many of them rather choose ncwest because 1-85 there is like 4x faster than here and most of us already "enjoyed" lvling 1-85 many times on private servers so faster xp seems logical choice.
    -w/o new players mentoring is again useless even if you implement it now because now we would have like 5-10 mentors for 1 mentee.

    its whole just my opinion and i will be glad if you prove me wrong. i still enjoy the game and im basicaly satisfied with your work but still i think that this whole issue with mentoring changed ncsoft vision of how characters/players development in time should look to something ...... well.... lets say "else".

  13. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    he was providing a constructive view as someone who has been at ncwest for many years, this is not flaming, anyone who has spent time at ncwest know their history and the problems they have had over the years and even those who didnt, know of it just from word of mouth from friends or browsing forums.

    yes the "company" has been around for a long time but they have not been managing l2 euro servers since 2006, they only launched in december and they have had to start from a blank canvas here in europe and as with all things, there are teething problems, this is expected but what you cant see behind the forum are the people who are working as hard as they can to try to fix these teething problems. rome wasnt built in a day guys ;) and if you want something done right you take your time doing it, its no good just rushing something out that you will all just troll over anyway so they take their time so that they can bring you something worthwhile.

  14. MiuMiu

    MiuMiu User

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    you have a point for the mentoring because is not only the exp boost is the goodies from the mentor coins too that are useful too ..

    about the 4x faster lvling that you mentioned :) .. you can became mentee when you hit lvl40 .. your mentor should be online in order to take the mentee boost that is 200% exp .. is not 400% as you say , is like having an pa account here with the difference that here you will keep that exp boost after you hit 86 (mentee privileges ends at 86) ..
    now you will say to me that you need to spend money to get pa etc .. i agree some people dont have money to spend some others have .. another huge difference is that almost all items from ncstore can be obtain from other players with adena ncwest don't give you that option so even for exp runes you need to pay :)

    ps. i am not flaming even if i am moderator i am a player too in that game and this is my opinion for both servers i hope for more events too :)
  15. Etherial

    Etherial User

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    custom means custom :d aka not official. beacuse ncwest does it, doesn't mean is allowed.
    and also as you say, yes ppl might choose ncwest over innova for path, but after 86 xp in ncwest without pa and without runes for some ppl (cause runes in ncwest cant be bought with adena) is horrible. i say this as a player. my clan left for bartz in the beggining of innova for that path , but they lvled till 90 there in 4 months, and now they are back here with us :d
  16. Gilby

    Gilby User

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    who wants play l2 chooses innova.
    who wants bott their they to the top and are lazy chooses ncwest. simple as that.
    to deepblue : innova is running ru.off servers for like 4 years so dont give me this pineapple about newbies in l2.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2012
  17. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    do not missquote me, i talked about l2eu servers not l2ru ;) i said they started from zero with the eu servers only. and watch your language please.

  18. BlackLordBG

    BlackLordBG User

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    i was playing there for years too and i agree ncwest are bad,but their servers are more than innova eu,their servers are always full and they have more european players than eu ppl playing on official eu servers!?!?!

    so imagine how more bad are innova doing cause real picture of a good or bad company is their custemers.

    mentor system is still most descussed theme on these boards and innova doing exactly nothing to impliment it
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2012
  19. NoLimits

    NoLimits User

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    well, about exp speed. its not only about exp you get, its also about time you have to spend by going town, finding buffer, get to his party, get buffs, get back on spot... with mentor buff you dont have to and w/o this "lost time" its more than 2x speed, maybe not 4x but 3x i would say :) and i dont mention that atm there are moments when at aden is only 1 buffer and 30 ppl arroun waiting for buff...
    about difference between ncwest and your ncstore items... i dont want to explain it to not broke some rules about this stuff but i think everyone know its not so hard to get not tradeable items or pa from other players for adena... its same here as there ;)

    btw: im just curious, why innova forbid buying pa for adena? isnt it same for them? they get their euros anyway. (i dont sell/buy pa but i would like to understand this policy)

    ps: thanx for replies, im not used to get answer this fast from more than 1 mod :d
  20. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    the reason why is because the pa is not an ingame item, therefore trading of it is classed as real money trade which is not legal.

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