all skills on my 4th class toons are shown red. was skill enchanting <85 removed? how are you supposed to level a nuker to 85 if you can't enchant your level 74 skills to stop them from failing vs higher level mobs?
it was removed in a previous chronicle. i've forgotten which one. powerlevel with an awakened toon if you are going to 85+ area ?
pay for powerlvl in swamp or camp for rb all day that might not spawn? both of those options sack *** for an active player. waste of time and/or waste of money. sounds like ncsoft just completly forgot about old classes when they made their new race with 3rd class scaling skills to 85.
u got now double xp event and yet qq?! r u coming from x10000 rate java server mby?! lvling a mage is easiest class ever in l2 nowdays,even solo grind,but u must know what and how to do. many guides out there,use ur fingers in proper way instead of whining about a game. u can easy awake class in 1 day with pa for 1/2 days regards.
yea, sorry, i forgot raids now respawn every 30 minutes. level 74 nuker skills fail on high level mobs if you can not enchant them. that is my complaint. what has the double xp event or some private server to do with this? furthermore, why are you so mad?
is this for real? you can do 1-80 in 8h without double xp event just by following kekropous chain quest, you are also given free s/s80 items, ever heard of woa/varka? jesus christ.
This is the forum for questions and info, not for flaming and hating. I'm asking how nukers can level 76+ when there is no skill enchant. When the server launched, leveling on high level mobs was aweful unless you enchanted your skills to +7 at least, better +10/13 if you really wanted to cut down the fails. All you do is make 3 troll posts claiming i cry and can't lvl. I'm on this server 2 years longer than you, you think i have not leveled characters to 85+?
Even enchanted skills failed a lot what u did then ?! Wrote to ncsofte to weaken mobs resists? Nowdays exping is really easy at low lvls,rly I dont see a point of ur post. Futhermore,L2 isnt a c4 anymore,move on,learn new things,get knowledge about it,ask around a good players,read guides how to play in Ertheia updt. Forget the past game.