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Fresh start, which class ?

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Shork, Jun 17, 2015.

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  1. Shork

    Shork User

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    So I played L2 for a long time but not much after GoD update. Currently, which class I would need the less +++ equip to play? PvPs, Oly... I was thinking in feoh, dagger or archer.

    Thanks =]
  2. poporrus

    poporrus User

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    supports or wynn summoner
  3. Ayevo

    Ayevo User

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    not rly... if you take summoner you will play till the end solo. Supports true they are always needed but if you play alot make mage archer
  4. escalibran

    escalibran User

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    You want a cheap to play class but its for pvp and you only want to play Damage Dealer. Good luck finding 5 cheap epics, cheap blessed +8 set, cheap +10 weapon, cheap lv.5 jewels, cheap 7s+abundance talisman, cheap shirts, cheap pvp stones...

    For pvp you will need to use a lot of money just to not get 1-shot by the next best solo ganking guy running around LoC etc. If money is of any concern to you, first make a strong farming toon.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2015
  5. Norekien

    Norekien User

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    For oly make a sayha, at 99 doesn't mind of your armor, you can kill whoever you face almost everytime.
    For open ganks, make sayha, if you can't kill the target you can always throw him to mobs that oneshot him.
    For mass pvp, you better invest 1k € to don't get onehitted.
    You odn't need 5 epics, you don't need blessed +8 set, you don't need +10 weapon, you dont need lv 5 jewels, you don't need 7 sins, abundance talismans are cheap as **** now, shirts are based on luck but not needed, pvp stones is the only thing hard to get but you don't need full pvp set, i'm was even pvping with ******* bound armor with 40 element and i wasn't getting onehitted with +3 jewels and +4 set with coc jewels and istina shirt.
  6. escalibran

    escalibran User

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    If you dont get hit for hurt in pvp with bound armor and noattribute, you're probably ganking poor little people leveling subs in DV. Or maybe you remember pvp from 3 years ago.

    Don't lie to people about how people who pvp are equipped now. Even in Oly where they don't get all buffs i have met people who just walk up and hit me for 20-30k with one skill. And that's with 3x120 and some pvp damage reduction.

    And sure talisman is cheap now. Only 2,5billion offering to make upgrade chance +75% :D

    Of course you can always find someone more poor than you to fight (or more likely: grief, because they will rarely be stupid to just try and fight you when they don't have stuff), but who cares about nonfactor pvp? And how does this help you achieve something in oly?
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2015
  7. Kiss.

    Kiss. User

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    well, ingridients on lvl1 tali cost around 8kkk if not more, so 2,5kk to make it 100% is not big deal.

    I think he meant about that more ppl need talis now so they will be cheaper (don't know if allready are).
  8. Seivlas

    Seivlas User

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    Probably for solo pvp sayha is best. You've powerful debuffs and CC, and deal high damage. In mass pvp otherwise, you'll need armor, cause AoE doesn't care about hide or not, and your CC's purpose is mainly to disable your main target, so your target's friend will gangbang you.

    For stuff, talisman hunter (don't even try to have the new talismans, the trap isn't in the buy of the 4 talisman, the trap is that you need TWO RECIPES ! lvl 1 to make it (the offering is a joke, 100.000 r cry are enough, it means 2kkk about, which is not a big deal when you bought for 3-4b or talisman)) is "really" cheap nowadays. You can have one for 1-1.3b.
    For jewels, if you're not planning to spend a lot of money in the game, only try to get lvl 3 jewels, with a 4 slot brooch. It's not THAT expensive, and will help a lot with your defense/offense.
    A mix of CoC (especially with the new coc jewels) and istina is really good and won't need you to prostitute yourself to be able to buy them.
    As for the weapon, is you've not 15b to spend on it, I think that a blessed apo 2 sa slightly OE will be enough.
    And a R95 +6 // R99 safe enchant will be a nice beginning for resisting 1-2 hits.

    Keep in mind that you WILL be 1 shot anyway by some players.
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