101/102 kelbim pvp weapons not enough to beat cc of 99/100's. Vllm must be a machine killing people, being archer in this update with pvp xbow+10 new talisman lvl 101 buff++.. if he dont make ratio 60:1 something its going bad.. your are being proud to make crp? You lost this siege, sorry, keep farming crp we have over 600k. Who cares
This burger flipper is the most hypocrite person I've seen in a while lol. U think anyone even believes in the amount of ******** u spew out of your mouth? I guess that's why even your clan makes fun of u lol. The comedians are just to strong in BA.
So basically u telling me u didnt die 2684 times right? @sh1ny Dont mix Pears with Apples. I said it about EN, where there objective was to kite us to Talking Island or attack from back. And it has nothing to do with PvP. We had opportunity to smash em, but it should force us to let your zerglings to re crest castle. And i posted Siege status, Siege status is always indicator of whole siege. Siege status 2 weeks ago was also very positive for us. Of course 3684/863 is smth different this siege, 1st time when i wrote that command, Game showed me big table and in the middle was written "S L A U G H T E R H O U S E"
It appears that BA has some sort of PMSing issue, getting nothing is also accomplishment, who cares for 30b anyway? #ba logyc
we had so many pvp stone from previous siege we don't even know what to do with them anymore anyway +10% dmg from castol best dmg
You got adv because as vllm vid probs, 90%of kills became from sprcts,yeasz,kirf,troy,and vllm. Probabbly all archers 101 with pvp/kelbim weapons, you make nice amount of kills, lets gonna see what happen when our people also get 101 and you loose your lvl/new skill adventage. You are missing this big fact and even with this adv, you manage to lost. I dont know who is worst here.
So: if ba gets the pvp stone, no1 gives a **** about crp, if ba lose pvp stone, crp is the most important thing. Well as my mom teach me, dont try to speak with stupid people the will downgrade you to their lvl and they will win you. Gf logy you make all the burgers i mean you won this siege gz for your pvp stone.
So Kengonia posting crp you all proud, Logy post crp you all - blah it doesn't matter. Logic... By Kengonia standards BA won, by BA standards BA lost. Simple.
Man my screen is siege status, its something absolutely different than saying we made +200 on BA with only staying hudden behind 200 ppl zerg or kiting to TI. Last siege overall status was still +++++ for us, this siege was much more bcs EN decided to fight and not PR/KITE. But as i said earlier, kill ratio 3:1 werent enough to crest schuttgart this time, we need a bit more firepower, i think in Oren if we reach 4:1 kill ratio we can beat diuble numbers of our enemies like we did already 10 times in the past.