Elronia and maximo always making zerg, same as now with kengaa, same as in the past with defro, same as with enclave etc etc
Only 1 group decided to "merge", rest stayed in Enclave. But yes, my 1st step as BA CL was to fix that things with Enclave.
What I tried to say is that when you were CL of BA we made the ally with Enclave also, then very few groups (1-2 max) merged into RG+BA ally
ironV learned to be pro CPL from me, and he did actually gj in BA in his cp. kenga menga actually couldnt handle mad healer like u
I've never got kicked from a cp :/ how does it feel konra? Disbanded cp to get rid of iron , kicked from defro cp and ending up getting carried by frenchies.
Ally with rg+ba was made with maximo and elronia. Enclave was pressured to leave ally and invited willing pvp oriented cp in their ranks when Logy took leadership, as he didnt agree with this alliance
In the end, they do join BA, dont they? So, he "disband" the zerg and get the best groups. My statement was right.