Me : "Eve, can you please tell the future ?" Eve : "Sure, let me try..." ... Eve : "I feel... There is a strong power at work... I feel... A lot of... Money." Me : "Money ? Great ! When will I have it ?" Eve : "Hum... No... You're not the one that will get it... I feel it... in Innova's pocket" Me : "Oh. Well... I think that people were right after all, you really can predict things"
Seems like Innova wants to finish like NCsoft servers, with 100 active players Keep it up! The most ******** thing you add is the scroll with rose stats and -10% cooldown, thanks for killing some classes, now everyone should play 1 class, will be funnier I bet ;p
Btw, I guess there is a mistake in an item description : Giant's Codex Mastery Chapter 1 is +11 --> +20 and not +21 --> +30
Why is classes killed by adding a consumable that gives 10% cdr which is for example on healer 2 seconds on purge maximum.
Wonder how many epics are on this server that did not drop from epic raids. It undermines the core of L2, but whatever floats your boat i guess... i'll enjoy stuff sold for less adena.
Every update this game looks more like pay2win like free2play. N/Csoft should learn more about free2play.
I am too much in a shock, to notice other flood :| Many epic item prices will extremely go down, like it already does, hard working people wont be happy. Unless, later, acquirement chance of very good items, will be lowered drastically, from those cards. Almost no point to work hard to acquire epic items, when anyone can come here and buy them for real money. You want valakas, antharas, lindivior, ect...? No problem. It will cost you this much and this much dollars/euros.
2 my CP members tried 200 cards each. one got items worth 3.5b, another got 750m. So probably either you need 500+ tries or lots of luck.
Luck is the key, as always. Played 100 cards, got 1 PvP Armor stone, and nothing else worth mentionning. A member of my CP played 10 cards and got Kelbim (there are seriously people paying 20b+ for that atm XD), another clan member played 50 cards and got trasken. So yeah, luck, as when you play lottery. P(l)aying more gives you more chance to have what you want, but "having more chance to have an item" != "having an item".