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Core Daily discussion - clans, pvp and stuff

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Gilby, Apr 1, 2012.

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  1. Zebedin

    Zebedin User

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    every heal is poor, its just toon for healing peoples around take this into mind
    not everyone is alarion tho

    it was made for fun this day
    to make full party and tell all server "naga is up"
    and we player kill every newbie who wanted to check if its true.
    im sorry if my fun is pathetic for you :p
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2014
  2. Alarion

    Alarion User

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  3. yLogy

    yLogy User

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    i still think u and your party is 1 from best parties on core. sorry for missunderstood, if u thought i write "best" as personality. it was best as player, which play the game / skill based , experience etc / not human side..
  4. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    gavin best clan leader ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he rebuilded a clan and became top!!!!!!!!

    what really happened, is that hi died and merged with ooc and getting their ally too creating the biggest ally ever, than the clan lost people, because it's normal for big clan to lose ppl with time.

    to ooc it was all given, before kardi quit ooc was nothing, they won all wars because they never participated to big events and camped parnassus, not saying it wasn't a good clan, because the core pt were pretty good, but not a factor.

    gavin was given the best opportunity to get people and start competing for the big castles and dragons and ofcourse he took it, with the last update many things changes, specially for mass pvp, any archer mage 99 does roughly the same high damage. this is why it's impossible to compete with 2 clans against 1 big clan. that was very clear in the last pvps we had.

    tikoo was given the same opportunity than gavin, to save the clan and the server (like this it would have been really 1 sided and many would have quitted) he did the right thing, it's not about any dkp system or jewels for ks.

    after what u did with that recording u can stick your humanity up your bu..

    and if you'd be a bit less greedy, you would clearly see that giving a jewel to ks wouldn't be a bad idea, not only because it would have been useful in olympiad, but since specially hax organized every raid from getting infos to what classes to bring to creating cc and motivating people to come... while the only thing u and your cp did for clan was camping 1 valakas because u wanted the jewel...

    at the end of the day, hax is valuable asset of the clan and you are a bitter guy who we are glad didn't join us in rg...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2014
  5. Hax

    Hax User

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    exactly, without kardi quitting and leaving rg+ob to ooc, ooc would have had nothing. do i have to remind you how hard ooc+ally got destroyed until december? until they managed to get all the left overs + horde into ooc + rg + ob (having a huge zerg of ppl) they lost every pvp/dragon.

    so much for melody and being a strong clan leader
  6. Sweetnight

    Sweetnight User

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    lol this is what i call taking a game too seriously...
  7. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    ok if you say so, i'll personally try to give a damn...
  8. bigmanx

    bigmanx User

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    change of power on server imminent . too much panic for such a natural thing in lineage:) .matrix reloaded .
  9. HELL-SK

    HELL-SK User

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    all things left aside, there were no options or maybes or let's do x or y.
    the merge was necessary.
    end of story.

    le: pr0t0n has a point, nabsize party getting a jewl now is like the buggyman.
    dafuq, they're active, they've got a good setup for all things, they're implicated in what they do.

    we all know they're not as good as w00dy's pt for getting bless valakas, or fen for bless antharas or whomever the **** got what... ohhhh wait... then again... :d

    people to like you can and is a strong factor but even disliked you still deserve some **** for the efort
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2014
  10. A1S2D3

    A1S2D3 User

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    it will be so funny to read after several months how redguards failing apart.
    truth is that its not ment for randoms to lead big clan while being clueless thats why ooc failed after 1 month :(

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2013
  11. Sweetnight

    Sweetnight User

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    o, cmon! the best thing that can happened to a casual player is to be a random and noone to really care... we are living in a stress, why all are stressing so much about a game. go have fun! join in events, kill wars, farm oly, but damn why so serious?
    i personally am finding core less stressful than naia. here people are going not only instances with wars, but even in open field. on naia if sh see you go fortuna with dh, you're expelled... i want to see third side on this server, sadly i m still dreaming about it and looks like it won't gonna heppened, because good parties wants to go heroes, they join big clans to be fed, so no chance for creating third side with good parties... except if evictis don't move to core (which sadly wont gonna heppend)...
    edit: for the trolls sake happy 300 post, sweet :d, you are now a viscount!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2013
  12. HELL-SK

    HELL-SK User

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    it will happed same on core when the growth process gets into high-end game.
    btw saying that people take game too seriously. have you ever seen a football final where they pay 42189421482190481029 million euros? that's taking a game too seriously...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2013
  13. Sweetnight

    Sweetnight User

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    i... can't really agrue that :d
  14. Pr0t0n

    Pr0t0n User

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    i don't care because you're a random, i don't care because your comment is pointless...

    ps: you can't really box a whole fortuna party like on botnaia, that's why you see people doing instances with everyone...
  15. tikoo

    tikoo User

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    u talk too much and have nothing to prove, you were the one pm'ing me sorry i couldn't be in this dragon bla bla bla, sorry i need cloak for this bla bla bla and trying to bring ppl to th including actually ooc ppl that told you no. if i said those bad things about rg please tell me when and show it to everyone if not i think you are only butthurt cause your super plan to rebuild th was not as successful as you thought, and im talking while we were still in ooc you already tried to rebuilt it and failed.
    anyways good luck with your project in the horde i hope this time your own ppl can stand with you this time :d.

    i thought you already disappeared cause you failed so hard on oly, and as you are not hero anymore and you won't be again, to be honest u are useless in sepsa party, troy is like 10 time better player then you and actually improved septa party a lot.
    i didn't decided to be the leader, no one wanted even cursed that was in that meeting had any good idea to help the clan. i am not the best leader, i may made mistakes, but i made what i thought best for the clan every time and with taht purpose i asked everyone for every step the clan made and they all agreed with that. and what i don't tolerate from ppl that have no idea like you, that was kicked from ooc for trying to scam your own clan mates, is to talk bull**** about the clan. so keep talking about what you have no idea and try to scam new friend somewhere else cause at the moment you quit the game and no one felt sorry about you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2014
  16. AllEyesOnMyPony

    AllEyesOnMyPony User

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    oo, dont be soo butthurted little tiko u can cry and spread ur disturbed mind thoughts all day long with sindeya now but still u remain just one trash that didnt accomplish anything in this game except failing every single thing u trying to do. trash is remaining trash even if he's with leader cloak
    u was always the little rat in ooc that's always unhappy about anything and think can do it better. o come on for god sake, u cant even arrange one class based like a normal person :d so keep living in ur delusional world, and watch it from the positive side!! sindeyka is ur friend now, hax too, now u can lead rg to glory and get aden and every dragon again! go go tikoo show us u are not just another trash that only talking and actually doing nothing.
    about my hero don't worry i proved myself at olympiad long enough so comments from clueless randoms like u to not hurt my ego :d

    as i said if u are atleast 30% from what cursed is as leader, ooc wont fall apart like this. so 1 piece of advice, first learn how to lead ur own cp then start leading a clan.

    now tell us what i scammed when i scammed and who i scammed it's interesing to hear from low monkey like u ^.^
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2013
  17. tikoo

    tikoo User

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    i was about to answer you but to be honest is a waste of time to talk with you, you talk about things you have no clue like my cp, or being a leader, or actually accomplish something while you were known as scammer, after that as lier and crier you were really known.
    good luck boy you were a real factor in this game and ended up like the great person and better player you are. good luck in your future.

    ps: don't need to be any factor in the game you are all the time calling me puppet, calling me trash and non factor like i care about it. i play the game with the people i like and that's what i need. i've been playing with members from my cp since the beginning of the server, can you say the same? have you enjoyed the game enough to say you can talk with ppl you played with and do anything else with them? let me doubt it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2013
  18. AllEyesOnMyPony

    AllEyesOnMyPony User

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    poor tikoo nothing to say? :d okey man u are great leader, u are amazing and u are 300 times better than melady, u must make online tutorials how to destroy 1 year old clan made with much sacrifices for less than 2 months and good night <3

    p.s after ur ninja edit
    that's the point my friend i was telling u these things alot time before ooc peoples saw what clueless guy u are, u can't lead anything
    now just other ppl are prooving that i was right =)
    and i enjoyed the game dont worry about me =).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2013
  19. A1S2D3

    A1S2D3 User

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    tiko stop trying its getting pathetic already :( hero sigel lockdown since day one #1
  20. Hax

    Hax User

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    pony you failed vs me, you sux
    idk why you even talk so highly of melody, that guy did nothing except giving bottles to randoms and thats all. he had a zerg, he dominated few dragons with that zerg, that zerg started to leave/quit, he lost dragons again and quit b4 its too late again.
    great achievement.
    tikoo got the clan half dead, ppl didnt really listen to him (especially those ******ed gavin lovers) and the clan failed itself, not the leader. get a clue first and then talk and how can you still be so butthurt about sinde ? do you have some secret obsession or whuts dis oo
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