Hi Guys ! please some advice about this case.. After read some topics, maybe ppl are right and yul human, apparently take some great decrease on damage compared to other mates, so if go use chaos... Yul Sagi with old skill rapid shot.. Trikster ou GS ? I like the "pvp" bonus by trickster, but see that ppl keeps his old skills.. fast shot.. and rapid shot will not be useful for crossbow, can be really bad, use fire on trickster ? And how exactly the new skill ultimate bulls eye its good ? easy to enter ? stack with bulls eye or real target ? tks for attention =D
GS stacks good with skill power. Trick is as good as, but the 101 skill IMO, is inferior to GS one. About keeping rapid shot, you don't need xbow to make trick passive/stance skills to work. The bonus is just for the p attack added(10%). If u add 9% attack speed from AP, have some attack speed rings, basic dex add(shirt, +++ from +5+1 dye, longing, venir, agathion etc), you easy hit 1400 attack speed, since u kept rapid shot. Yes, human base is bad, to be Yul Sagi is hard, in my personal opinion, GS is better fit, since it isn't just about pvp. If you were base trickster, kept old fast attack, trick would be osom for u, since +10% from passive for xbow is good too.
Char is human base , yul sagittarius , yeah after read your posts guys, is a bad base , but i enjoy the human skin, if change to trikster, dont need crossbow to instinct Mastery ? Humm, but is a 15 % bônus in end ( p attack ) . Tks u guys! For patience to ( my bad english ). And btw im a big fan of your posts SnoWyz and vvvlm ( no homo )
So for human take ghost sentinel. You will do more dmg in pve and more dmg period once 101. I would not recommend trickster unless you know what you are doing
Humm , i talked with Troy ( a good archer i think ) , and he say that , Wanna change again, from human base trikster to Gs. Cause op 101 skill, and trikster being better with old skills and crossbow... But the new Bulls eye skill ? Is 'nt a op skill to ? I say, have a good land ? I friend that play some oly on mag.. said that the skill just dont go away, making trikster a hard oponent in oly.... All this this things just confuse me
As far as I know, it is or almost 100%, don't go off fast, reuse like 10 seconds(not sure). Don't stack with Real Target or normal Bullseye. And yeah, it's good.
Tank u SnoWyz ! , and just to finish, just more 2 questions If use chaos , dyes will reset/lost ? And vvvlm, i remember saw u in trikster, if i not wrong, can u inform me diferences in attack speed with and without, the 12 % fast shot ? And u think are more improvements to up it ? I say this , cause with a full set up str , maybe double skill come so hard that an attack speed can be Very relevant ( my newbie teory lol ) ... So it's this, guys tank u so muchh for patience and precious informations !!!
The dyes stay. The attack speed will be high for trick with xbow + old fast attack. Cuz xbow is already faster, with haste S.A, way faster, with old fast attack, fast as hell. Like perma 1500. Full str is very good, but in my own opinion, to have dex, u should do as normal adds(shirt, longing, emerald, +1 de from +5+1 str dye, etc). Cuz if you REALLY wanna go full dex, u gotta have HUGE gear, to do a huge % of critical hits in skills.
Ok. I may sound ******ed (more than usually ?) but I don't find the normal bullseye to go off often (never ?) in PvP, does it ?(but the 100% land rate is good) In PvE, it lasts between 0.5s to 20s, but closer to 0.5s... I didn't see someone replying to this part of the question so : if you don't use a crossbow as a trickster, you lose 15% patk and 15% pvp dmg. So going to trickster often means that you will use a xbow.
Bulleye buff can be canceled with smth like 5 or 10% chance on every hit received. That's why it doesnt go off fast in pvp while in pve where people spam autos it disapear quickly. You only lose the 15% patk bonus. 15% pvp dmg is both for bow & crossbow.