How does wealth affect social status in l2Core? ( Lineage 2 is made by Korea, Koreans share their wealth among family members and there community, by showing their wealth on any extended way) If these Royal cards stay longer in server everyone soon will have enchantments above +14 100% sure no doubt about that at all. i thought l2 was such a " hardcore " game ... in my opninon these royal cards made the game way too easy ... all u need is adena and ure gonna be flashy as neon lights. I would like your opinion , don't hesitate to share your theory Thank you Shinmaru
Try to make adena with only farm , it's not so easy to leave 1b without farming like a crazy farmer. Burgis did 220kk in 4/5 hours of farm , would mean 1b all the 20h alone. Adena farm is harder I think this is my only theory
You missed the point here. First people get OP geared not with in-game means, but because L2 store injects these items to the server. Second, low adena circulation in the server, leads you to slower prices for all.
Then not everyone is able to get royals. And tbh there is much more important thing to get before getting oe weapons
fun fact: these cards only give people the balls to try because they get to keep the weapon. And they are comparatively accessible of course. They only improve chance by 10%. Chance to enchant a fighter weapon from +6 onwards is 25%, +10% better chance is... 27.5%, hooray! Chance to enchant a nuker weapon +6 onwards is 12.5%, +10% better chance is... 13.75%, hooray! and for +9 onwards its half of that again. For nuker weapons your chance of triggering LUC+16 of your dwarf on enchant is probably as big as the actual enchant chance at that point, lol. For every weapon you see +10+ on AH now, 8-9 poor guys made -3 enchants on their already enchanted weapon and paid 1kkk in royal cards for it.
Failed 4 royal cards in a row on a +16Luc dwarf with a maphr shirt, and you don't see me crying... oh wait, I'm crying.
In my opinion not that horrible, if we take a look in the past and compare royals to destruction enchants, then this is the best option, because unlucky big fat bird can bring his +9 down to +3 with ease, while with destruction ones it was guaranteed good weapon in any case.
np only prize still is too high for normal players, waiting to drop prize other crazy expensive stuff, cheaper items = more balance... unfortunatelly now is too many stuff to collect to chelenge in pvp, armor, weapon, shirt, broch, talisman, epics, dye, overenchant... for normal player with premium only its about 2 year and most will leave before they can make any high pvp... anyway i alwys say that better bay enchanted item than making it coz luck in l2 is "luck", i only done quest item +7 coz i was forced to make it ty for someone who baught my clear amarantine bow for 1.3b
Are you aware that in your screen there is ONE R99 weapon, and it's +8, not +13 ? the R grade weapons are enchanted with Royal Red Cards R-grade, and those are totally ignored by ppl looking for end game stuff (pve/pvp weaps), meaning they're "kinda" cheap.
Fun fact, this same weapon 99 was made with 2 giants, 1 bewr and 1 windy scroll hand-made from an ertheia, no l2store involved Though I can't totally disagree with OP. What you can be sure, is that in no way it will change anymore, can get only worse. Your only chance is to find how to get benefit from this new environment, as you won't change it. Good luck !