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complicated situation with lost items lf gms help

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Peleda, Sep 16, 2015.

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  1. Peleda

    Peleda User

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    Hello , as i`ve mentioned on my created ticket ( Ticket Ref: 14092015-AD86 ) i have lost some of my items . Today a person who did this contacted me claiming that he regrets what he did and he wishes to give me back the items he took . Just after i opened my ticket i believe gms tracked him down and banned his account forever ,which contains my lost items . he even left me his account information , how can i get my items back guys ? i was told i should wait for the answer in 10 working days , but as you have banned a guys account could i please get my items back . as a confirmation i can provide you with banned account login details ( account that contains my lost items ) . in additional a person who did this created a ticket too and wishes to do a right thing and asks you guys to give me my items . he doesnt want any unban or something ....well and for the peace of mind i just want to have my items back :/ . thanks for reading , will wait for any answer .
  2. CarmenSpectra

    CarmenSpectra User

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    "he wishes to give me back the items he took"
    Why wishing? All he needs to do is giving you your items back by a trade or sending by mail.
    That can be done in 1 minute, easy.

    "he even left me his account information , how can i get my items back guys?"
    Why he gave you his account info? Why not giving you your items back which can be done in 1 minute?

    Actually it is hard to understand what you guys are doing.
    Tell that person to give you your items back and ask Support to close your ticket.
    L2 life is easy, don't try to make it more complicated than necessary.

    Good luck!
  3. Peleda

    Peleda User

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    Sep 16, 2015
    Dear ,CarmenSpectra , you should read entire post before replying , it wouldnt be so hard to understand then :) just sayin... "Just after i opened my ticket i believe gms tracked him down and banned his account forever ,which contains my lost items " . so how he or i supposed to take items from that account ? im doing nothing . a guy screwed up and wants to fix it . and all i want is my items back . p.s thats why subject calls " complicated situation " , but im trying to be as clear as possible and provide as much info as i can . "as a confirmation i can provide you with banned account login details ( account that contains my lost items ) " - thats also from my first post ....
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
  4. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    Why was his account banned? AFAIK innova doesnt ban for acc sharing nor for taking items, thats your responsibility.

    If it was "hacker" to take ur items he wouldnt reply back, so this makes no sense as to why u got delivered an acc that is banned.
  5. Peleda

    Peleda User

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    i have no idea why this account is banned but it was banned straight after i have opened my ticket ( at least i was told so ). by the way im not asking regular users opinion here , i think gm`s know better what why where and when . thanks for reading anyways ...
  6. CarmenSpectra

    CarmenSpectra User

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    I did read your entire post twice.
    You said "i believe", this means: you think it is but you are not 100% sure about.

    How do you know his account was banned because you made a ticket?
    Maybe he could not log on because of the new version of Frost. You have his account info, did you try to log on his account on your own computer?
    Maybe his account was banned because of something else, not for scamming someone as Yunalesca said.

    Anyway, I wish you luck on retrieval of your lost items.
    Try to contact Support, only Support can help you.
  7. Peleda

    Peleda User

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    Yes i have tried to log in with acc details he have provided and there was skull icon and "forever banned" or something like that . and you are right im not sure it was banned becouse of my incident , but if it was i think it would be fair if i would get back my items . thanks for good wishes . will see what will happen ... thanks for opinions .
  8. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

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    I've locked the thread, your issue has to be dealt only throught support and please don't open a new thread to continue discussing your problem.

    Reminder : Ban discussion is not allowed on the forum.
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